
Written 112 posts

Inspection of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors Consultation Analysis Report

15th July 2024

As you may know the Scottish Government held a collection of public consultations between 25 August – 17 November 2023 on proposals for different aspects of regulation of the funeral sector. The consultation analysis report for the inspection of burial, cremation and funeral directors is now available to view online. More information and links to…

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Scottish Government recruiting for funeral director interviewees (£ compensation provided)

19th June 2024

The Scottish Government’s Burial and Cremation team is working alongside Storm ID (a digital design agency) to design and develop a new website to support the implementation of funeral sector regulation, including the proposed inspection and licensing regimes. Central to this work is establishing the needs of and requirements of its future users – these…

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Public Consultations: Analysis Reports

13th May 2024

The Scottish Government launched a collection of public consultations on 25 August 2023 with proposals on different aspects of regulation of the funeral sector: Alkaline hydrolysis (‘water cremation’) Burial Inspection of burial, cremation and funeral directors Licensing of funeral directors. The consultations closed on Friday 17 November 2023. The consultation analysis report for burial is…

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Public Consultations: Analysis Reports

26th April 2024

The Scottish Government launched a collection of public consultations on 25 August 2023 with proposals on different aspects of regulation of the funeral sector: Alkaline hydrolysis (‘water cremation’) Burial Inspection of burial, cremation and funeral directors Licensing of funeral directors. The consultations closed on Friday 17 November 2023. The consultations analysis reports for Alkaline hydrolysis…

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Funeral Director Code of Practice: approved by The Scottish Parliament

20th February 2024

The Scottish Government is pleased to confirm that the draft Funeral Director Code of Practice (‘the Code’) received parliamentary approval on 31 January 2024.   Please see the Scottish Government website for the approved Code.   The Minister for Public Health & Women’s Health, Jenni Minto MSP, has written to funeral directors in Scotland to…

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Public consultations: Reminder

14th November 2023

The Scottish Government launched a collection of public consultations on 25 August 2023 on different aspects of regulation of the funeral sector: Alkaline hydrolysis (‘water cremation’) Burial Inspection of burial, cremation and funeral directors Licensing for funeral directors.   The consultations are still available on the Scottish Government’s consultation hub, Citizen Space.   The consultations will…

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Public Consultation Events – Call for questions

17th October 2023

In our previous blog post, we advertised two public consultation events that the Scottish Government is hosting to give individuals the chance to discuss the collection of consultations on funeral sector regulation.   We are now calling for your questions ahead of the events. We will do our best to answer these on the day alongside more…

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Consultation on Crematoria Guidance PGN (5/12)

11th October 2023

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK Government has launched a consultation on the review of the Crematoria Guidance PGN (5/12).   This consultation seeks views on the proposed new guidance that will replace the existing crematoria guidance PG5/2(12).   This consultation will be of interest to regulatory bodies, individual…

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Public Consultation Events: Regulations for the Funeral Sector

3rd October 2023

The Scottish Government is running two online consultation engagement events to discuss the collection of consultations on funeral sector regulation. The events are open to members of the public and of the funeral sector. The events will take place on 24 October 2023 (12:00 – 13:00) and 2 November 2023 (18:30 – 19:30) and will…

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Public consultations launched: views sought on new regulations for the funeral sector in Scotland

25th August 2023

The Scottish Government has today launched a collection of public consultations on different aspects of regulation of the funeral sector in Scotland. The proposed regulations in the consultations are to be made under the Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016. The collection of four consultations cover regulations on the following topics: Alkaline hydrolysis (‘water cremation’)…

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