Professor Anna Glasier
Written 6 posts
Women's Health Champion
Women’s Health Champion – Summer update
16th August 2024
It does not seem all that long ago that I wrote my last blog and I have been lucky enough to have been away on holiday for three weeks in France in the interim. We know that taking a break an important part of maintaining good mental health and wellbeing, so I hope we all…
Women’s Health Champion – Spring update
13th May 2024
I have now been in post for 15 months and I am delighted to be able to take this opportunity to update you on some of the work that I have been undertaking. Abortion I am very pleased to have been asked to chair an expert group which will start meeting this summer to review…
My first year as Women’s Health Champion
23rd January 2024
During 2023 I have met with scores of people working in government, in the NHS and in the Third Sector, as well as women themselves, who have kindly shared their experiences and health journeys with me.
Women’s Health Champion Autumn update
17th October 2023
I have now been Women’s Health Champion for a little over eight months, and since my blog post in July 2023 there has been lots of activity to update you on. Visit to London In September, the team and I were delighted to visit London to meet with our counterparts in England. The main purpose…
Five enjoyable months
14th July 2023
I have now spent five very stimulating and enjoyable months as Scotland’s Women’s Health Champion and it is time to give you an update on what I have been doing. I am continuing to meet with people working in Women’s Health in Scotland including organisations in the third sector. With the Scottish Government’s Women’s Health…
My first update as Women’s Health Champion
25th April 2023
As most of you will be aware, I took up my post as Women’s Health Champion at the end of January. I know that many of you were looking forward to someone taking up the post and so I thought you might like to know what I have been doing since I started, and how…