Health and Social Care
It’s all about Working in Partnership
30th April 2015 by Linda White
Jo MacLennan is Head of Partnership Development within the Integration and Reshaping Care Division at the Scottish Government. She’s spent a large part of her career working nationally in Special NHS Boards including – NHS Health Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service concentrating on health and service improvement initiatives. Jo previously worked in the Public...
Chief Officers Spotlight: Iona Colvin
27th April 2015 by Linda White
As you know, the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 legislates for compulsory integration of health and social care services for adults. In Ayrshire and Arran we have grasped the opportunity to extend integration, placing our children’s services and criminal justice services within our Health and Social Care Partnerships. Our Integration Joint Board (IJB)...
The Crucial Role of the Independent Sector
27th April 2015 by Linda White
– The independent sector, supported by Scottish Care, provides approximately 85% of care home places and 50% of home care hours across Scotland. Aside from the sheer levels of care and support provision that the sector provides, the independent sector offers a wide range of knowledge and skills which makes it a crucial partner in integration arrangements. With statutory partners...
Glasgow to host Leading Integration for Quality event
23rd April 2015 by Linda White
Registration is now open for the NHSScotland Event 2015, which will take place at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) in Glasgow on 23 and 24 June. This year’s event theme is Leading Integration for Quality. With the implementation of the new legislation to integrate health and social care currently underway, this year’s Event...
Chief Officers Spotlight: David Williams
23rd April 2015 by Linda White
So that’s it, we’re officially into the year of integration. The Glasgow City Integration Scheme was submitted to Government on the 31st March and we optimistically hope to be legally constituted sometime in late May. And even though April 1, 2015 marked the start of integration year, we already have some great examples of integrated working which...
Leaders unite to drive Mega Reform of Health and Social Care
21st April 2015 by Linda White
Health and Social Care Integration took another step forward as all 32 local Health Board and Local Authority partnerships finalised their plans to bring together the two services. Ahead of the April 1, 2015 milestone for submitting Integration Schemes, 180 health and social care leaders met in Edinburgh on 30 March at the Leading Integration for...
Integration and the Spirit of Collaboration
26th March 2015 by Linda White
– The spirit of collaboration suggests that when specialists from different disciplines work together, then potential is unconfined. Collaboration as a concept is also at the heart of the integration of health and social care, and in this case is enforced by the underpinning legislation. It is clear that by joining up the work of...
Helping People to Live Well at Home
23rd March 2015 by Linda White
– NHS Forth Valley are working in partnership with Falkirk Council to test new ways to support people to live well at home in Bo’ness . Phase 1 of the project initially looked at patients over the age of 85 with dementia and or multiple health related problems. It was noted that while most people...
Co-production – how we make a difference together
20th March 2015 by Linda White
Integration is nearly upon us and the challenge of delivering Scotland’s National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes will fall to all of us, in every sector at all levels, all health and social care professions and most importantly: people and communities. The principles of co-production are evident throughout the legislation and guidance for integration. For integration to be...
Campaign urges everyone to help cure the stigma of dementia
18th March 2015 by Linda White
Last month a dementia friendly performance at the city’s Festival Theatre marked the launch of a new awareness campaign aimed at tackling the stigma of dementia. The campaign is part of ongoing work by a partnership of the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian and Alzheimer Scotland to make Edinburgh a dementia friendly city. An...