Health and Social Care

Equipment and Adaptations Guidance Published

December 12, 2022 by No Comments | Category care homes, Carers, Community Equipment, health & social care, Housing, Occupational Therapy, Older people, Policy update

Our consultation on revised guidance on the Provision of Community Equipment and Adaptations closed on 6 June 2022, with a total of 67 responses received, and you can read the published responses, and Summary Report on the Consultation Hub web page.

Overall, the responses to the Consultation Survey have been very positive. Respondents were asked for their views on all sections, and whether they felt the information in the proposed Guidance was clear, relevant ,and addressed the issues. Across all responses, the average response rate for a combination of ‘completely’ and ‘mostly’,  was 86%. The remaining average of 14%,  was for those who responded ‘somewhat’ or ‘a little’, and only 1 respondent out of 67, commented ‘not at all’ for some of the sections.

The comments provided by respondents were supportive of the principles of the Guidance and new format with better recognition of a range of key issues reflected in the document. Suggestions for further improvement therefore focused on additional strengthening or wording to help reinforce these important principles, and this was welcomed.

The revised Guidance on the Provision of Equipment and Adaptations was published on 7 January 2023, and is available on the Scottish Governments website.  A shorter, Executive Summary is also available.

New tools to support the delivery of community Equipment and Adaptations services

Alongside this work, we have also been working on the development, and refresh of a range of supporting good practice guides and a Baseline Assessment Tool.  These resources can be used by Health and Social Care Partnerships, and their stakeholders to support a review of their services to ensure they meet the Key Actions recommended in the new guidance.

The following products are available:

The team would be happy to work with any Health and Social Care Partnership wishing to test these tools, ahead of the revised guidance being published.  Please get in touch with us at to discuss further.


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