Health and Social Care

  • Equipment Services journal publishes integration article

    21st January 2015 by

    Isla Bisset, Policy Officer within the Integration and Reshaping Care Division at the Scottish Government, and Alison Docherty, Joint Improvement Team Action Group Lead for Equipment and Adaptations, discuss the implications of integration in this comprehensive article published in the January 2015 edition of Equipment Services. The article sets the context of integration and explores: Implementation Working together...

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  • Spotlight on: Adam Coldwells, Chief Officer for Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership

    21st January 2015 by

    What were you doing before becoming Chief Officer ? I was appointed Chief Officer in January 2014. Prior to taking up this role I was General Manager for Aberdeenshire CHP and interim General Manager for Moray Community Health and Social Care Partnership. It is a great challenge but one that offers huge opportunity to bring...

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  • When Friendship Disappears

    6th January 2015 by

    ‘When friendship disappears, then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly.’ (Hilaire Belloc) Befriending Networks is the umbrella body for befriending services across the country. In addition to providing a range...

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  • Health and Social Care Integration Policy Update – December 2014

    4th December 2014 by

    The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 was passed on April 1, 2014 and the Implementation Policy Team has been developing the secondary legislation since then to underpin the Act, consulting over the Summer on the Regulations and Orders and working with stakeholders to shape the legislation. Regulations and Orders The Regulations and Orders...

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  • Designing education and training to deliver health and social care integration

    28th November 2014 by

    Everyone understands that the principles of integration underpinned by legislation alone do not guarantee the successful integration of services. Cultural change and quality leadership are also vitally important. Integrated care delivery is unlikely to happen at the necessary pace and scale unless those implementing it are provided with opportunities and support to put new, integrated...

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  • Spotlight on: Eibhlin McHugh, Chief Officer for Midlothian

    28th November 2014 by

    What background brought you to the position of Chief Officer? Prior to my appointment, I was Director of Housing and Community Care at Midlothian Council. My background is in social work and I have worked across a range of children and families, and adults services for the past 30 thirty years, both as a practitioner...

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  • Optimising the Quality of Life for Older People

    28th November 2014 by

    NHS Health Scotland has developed an Outcomes Framework for Older People working with the Scottish Government’s Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) policy team, the Scottish Government Analytical Services Division, the Joint Improvement Team and local partnerships. The work is closely linked to the ‘Stitch in Time’ project, led by Evaluation Support Scotland on the...

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  • Integrated partnership project lauded by former Public Health Minister

    28th November 2014 by

    Former Minister for Public Health Michael Matheson recently visited an East Kilbride-based community team of social and health care professionals which was shortlisted at the 2014 Herald Society Awards. NHS Lanarkshire’s Integrated Community Support Team (ICST) has previously been recognised by its peers at the 2013 Scottish Health Awards and the 2014 Patient Experience Network...

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  • Power of integrated partnership working recognised at prestigious awards night

    28th November 2014 by

    An innovative partnership project working to improve the lives of older people across North Lanarkshire has won a national award for its exemplary partnership working. The Psychology Project triumphed in the Health and Social Care Integration Category at the 2014 Herald Society Awards on Thursday November 6. The night celebrated the dedication, imagination and the...

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  • Vital signs that GP engagement is critical to success of integration

    28th November 2014 by

    The new Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Scotland, Dr Miles Mack, recently signalled a far-reaching shift in thinking. ‘The metaphor of GPs as “gatekeeper” to the NHS is now outdated’ he said. ‘GPs have a central “hub” function in the NHS.’ That change is radical in itself but becomes self-evidently crucial...

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