Andronikos Kafas
Written 8 posts
Integrated coastal-zone risk management – ICES Cooperative Research Report
16th January 2014
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea science plan has emphasised the importance of coastal zone management and marine planning. In recognition of this, a Theme Session was held at the Annual Science Conference in Nantes in 2010. Papers from that Session have been combined into Cooperative Research Report number 320, edited by…
News from MSI: Seal Usage Maps Update
16th January 2014
A technical problem was found with the data in the seal usage maps in August 2013 and since then the maps have been unavailable through MSi. These maps have now been updated and the version that is available has had this error corrected. If you have previously downloaded the seal maps, please now update your…
ICES ASC2013, Reykjavik (Iceland) – Marine Spatial Planning Session
19th December 2013
ICES Annual Science Conference 2013 took place in Reykjavik, Iceland from 23rd – 27th of September 2013. There were around 700 participants from 37 countries and more than 430 oral and poster presentations. There were 18 theme sessions covering a range of topics on fisheries management, ecosystem-based management, survey design, spatial statistics, climate change, ocean…
Summary Report on Wave & Tidal Demonstration Zone Identification Process has been released
3rd December 2013
The Crown Estate published a report which gives details of the seabed areas which has been defined as demonstration zones for the leasing process for wave and tidal test and demonstration projects from 2013 onwards. Seven demonstration zones have been defined across the UK: Four of the zones are in places with tidal current resources,…
Floating Statoil wind farm planned off coast of Peterhead
3rd December 2013
The Hywind project will see the five turbines operate in waters several miles from land in a move towards creating an economically viable scheme. It comes after the Crown Estate granted an agreement to Norwegian firm Statoil. Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney has welcomed the deal, saying it was a step towards harnessing a big…
Scottish Renewables Marine Conference, 16-17 Sept 2013
3rd December 2013
Staff from MSS and LOT attended the Scottish Renewables Wave and Tidal conference in Inverness on the 16th and 17th of September. This is a condensed conference with 24 hours of exhibits, meetings, technology updates and state of the industry revelations squeezed across two days. This year there were 34 stands and 350 attendees, so,…
Review of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines including noise transmission through various foundation types
3rd December 2013
MS published a review of the acoustic output of operational off-shore wind turbines and its dependence on the type of foundation structure used. Three foundation types are examined in this report: jacket, monopile and gravity foundation. The acoustic output from each of these foundation types is then compared to curves representing the hearing and behavioural…
Study on habitat modelling for harbour porpoises in the Moray Firth has been published
3rd December 2013
MSS has recently deployed 30 CPoDs on the east coast of Scotland. The aim of this network is to allow us to monitor the bottlenose dolphin population during wind farm construction. Data from the same device have been used in a recently published study by Dr. Kate Brookes, to validate a habitat association model for…