Jen Swan
Written 12 posts
Scotland’s suicide prevention strategy and action plan
17th January 2023
Scotland’s new suicide prevention strategy and action plan were published in 2022. We asked Dominic & Oliver from the Suicide Prevention Policy & Delivery Team to blog about how they developed these, and in particular how they engaged with a wide and varied range of people and organisations. Scotland’s new suicide prevention strategy and action…
National Conversation on Dementia Strategy
11th November 2022
Scotland’s new dementia strategy is currently being developed. I recently caught up with Aidan and Sandhra from the Dementia Policy Unit within Scottish Government. We discussed how they are involving lived experience and other experts in the development of this new strategy, and how you can get involved too!
Scotland’s National Standards for Community Engagement
29th June 2022
We invited Paul Nelis from the Scottish Community Development Centre to explore the impact of Scotland’s National Standards for Community Engagement.
Paths for All – dementia friendly health walks
9th June 2022
Paths for All, who are part funded by Scottish Government, involved people with dementia in the planning and design of their dementia friendly walking programme. We invited Carl Greenwood, Senior Development Officer at Paths for All to share the positive impact this has had. At Paths for All, we support a network of over 670…
Putting the tea in teamwork
20th May 2022
In the last year, tea (yes, tea!) has helped to initiate over 170 conversations between over 240 Scottish Government employee’s about public engagement and participation.
Care Opinion
7th April 2022
An independent, web-based mechanism, funded by the Scottish Government, through which the people of Scotland can give anonymous, real-time feedback about healthcare services.
Managing Scotland’s forests: public and community input
3rd March 2022
Across all of our work at Forestry Land Scotland, input from the public and communities is encouraged and is very important to us.
Ending the need for food banks
18th February 2022
The Scottish Government has published a draft plan on ending the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity. In this blog we hear from the food insecurities team about how people were involved in its development and what happens next.
Engaging on the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care
16th February 2022
In October 2021 with the publication of the refreshed Digital Health and Care Strategy, we committed to developing Scotland’s first dedicated Data Strategy for Health and Social Care. In this blog colleagues from the Digital Health and Care team share how they are engaging stakeholder and citizens in the development of this strategy.
Faith and belief engagement
3rd February 2022
Faith and belief stakeholders represent a large cross-section of the population of Scotland, making them valuable contributors to policy development.