Public Procurement and Property

Collaborative Frameworks update: June 2024

June 24, 2024 by No Comments | Category framework agreements, Procurement news, Scottish Procurement

Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate’s National Collaborative Procurement Division (NCPD) administers the Scottish national collaborative frameworks and contracts for the whole of the Scottish Public Sector, as well as agreements that can be accessed by central government organisations of the Scottish Government.

Their portfolio of commercial agreements includes:

  • utilities
  • ICT (information and communication technology)
  • corporate and professional services
  • supported businesses
  • construction
  • procurement of innovation

This is an update on the national collaborative frameworks, Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) and contracts we offer to public sector buyers in Scotland.

All current national collaborative frameworks, DPS and contract details – including the contact manager for each requirement can be found at: Procurement: Scottish Government frameworks and contracts – (

General office supplies

The annual cost to serve price review for the CAT A General Office Supplies is currently underway. Framework Public Bodies will be notified in advance of the effective date of any new pricing and a new Lyreco catalogue will be uploaded in due course.

For further information, please visit: Procurement: general office supplies framework – (

Media Planning and Buying Services

Lot 1 of the new Media Planning Buying and Associated Services commenced an implementation period on 1 May 2024, and will go live for campaign call-offs with effect from 1 July 2024, running until 30 June 2028.

Five suppliers have been appointed, three of which are Scottish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Further details can be found here: Procurement – media planning buying and associated services: guidance – (

Recruitment Ads and Pins

The renewal process for Recruitment Ads and Pins is underway with tender submissions being evaluated. The planned start date for the new framework is 11 July 2024. Framework Public Bodies will be notified upon award.

Further information can be found here: Procurement: recruitment advertising and public notices framework – (

Vehicle hire services

The existing Cat B Contract for Vehicle Hire Services is due to expire on 31 August 2024. Work on the re-let has commenced and currently it is out to Tender.

Further details can be found here: Vehicle hire contract 2020 to 2023 – (

Publishing, Print, Design and Associated Services (PPDAS)

The existing Cat A Framework for Publishing, Print, Design and Associated Services (PPDAS) is due to expire on 30 September 2025. Early development work on the re-let has commenced and a Prior Information Note (PIN) will be issued shortly which will include a Request for Information (RFI) to gain views from the market and stakeholders, to inform our Procurement Strategy. Framework Public Bodies are encouraged to complete the RFI and confirm their interest in participating in a User Intelligence Group (UIG) for the new procurement exercise.

Further information can be found here: Procurement – publishing, print and design (PPDAS) framework – 2018 – (

Electronic Purchasing Card (ePC)

The existing Cat B contract for the Electronic purchasing card is due to expire on 31 July 2024. The relet action is well underway and the new arrangement will form part of Scotland Excel’s cluster call-off from the CCS Framework. The award is imminent and participating bodies will be notified very soon.

Further information can be found here: Procurement – electronic purchasing card contract 2020 to 2024: guidance – (

Postal services

The existing Cat A Framework for Postal Services is due to expire in June 2025. Early development work on the re-let has commenced and a Prior Information Note (PIN) will be issued shortly which will include a Request for Information (RFI) to gain views from the market and stakeholders, to inform our Procurement Strategy. Framework Public Bodies are encouraged to complete the RFI and confirm their interest in participating in a User Intelligence Group (UIG) for the new procurement exercise.

For further information, please visit: Procurement – postal services framework: guidance – (

Media services

The existing Cat A Framework for Media Services is due to expire in August 2025. Early development work on the re-let has commenced. Responses to a Prior Information Note (PIN) which included a Request for Information (RFI) have been received and are being analysed.

Framework Public Bodies wishing to participate in a User Intelligence Group (UIG), for the new procurement exercise can find contact details at the end of this page: Procurement – media services framework – (

Mobile Voice and Data Services (MV&D)

The MV&D framework has recently passed its first anniversary and is a single supplier framework with Vodafone Ltd for the provision of a variety of mobile voice and data, and associated services. Full details of the services available can be found on our website, detailed below, including links to our secure knowledge hub site which provides further information on the framework, ordering procedures, prices and also includes a price comparator tool to demonstrate potential savings.

The framework provides excellent value for money with savings of around 50% on core voice and data services against the previous framework rates and utilises Vodafone’s Public Sector Traveller (PST) service which allows users to take their UK allowance when travelling in overseas locations (where PST is available).

Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) ICT

The ICT Networks team has two DPS in place, Internet of Things (IoT) and Telephony and Communication Services (TCS).

The IoT DPS is due to end in September 2024 and we are currently reviewing the strategy for the future and this will be communicated in due course. However, if any organisation has a potential requirement for IoT services and is considering the DPS as the route to market, please let us know.

Full details of the services available through both DPS can be found on our website, detailed below.

The TCS DPS offers a full range of services across two lots:

Lot 1 – telephony and communication services

Lot 2 – enterprise bundled services (includes all services available through Lot 1 and mobile voice and data services)

Intelligent automation

Work is currently underway to establish an Intelligent automation framework agreement which will be available to Scottish public and third sector bodies.

Intelligent automation combines artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to improve and streamline business processes. Intelligent automation uses a combination of techniques, such as robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), to automate repetitive tasks, and in the process, extract insights from data. We have cross sectoral representation on our user intelligence group developing the procurement strategy and we are aiming to have the framework available around April 2025.

Software Value Added Reseller Services (SVARS)

1 May 2023 saw the first anniversary for the Scottish Procurement ‘Software Value Added Reseller Services’ (SVARS) single supplier Framework awarded to Computacenter Ltd.

This framework provides a direct route to market for software and associated services. Services available under the framework include but are not limited to: Commercial off the shelf software (COTS), annual maintenance services, support services, asset recording of purchased software, warranty support, and consultancy services.

The framework has already delivered several sustainability outcomes including the creation of jobs for long-term unemployed individuals and modern apprentices, the delivery of programmes supporting community learning and digital accessibility initiatives and a partnership with SmartStems – a social impact organisation dedicated to enhancing access to quality STEM education for young people in disadvantaged areas.

 Web Based and Proprietary Client Devices (SP-22-020)

 The retender exercise for the Web Base and Proprietary Client Devices framework concluded earlier this year and the new framework with XMA Limited commenced on 1 March 2024. The framework will run for an initial three-year period to 28 February 2027, with an option for a 12-month extension. The framework enables schools, colleges, universities, and all public sector bodies in Scotland to purchase web based and proprietary client devices, accessories, and services.

An updated version of the framework catalogue will be published this week (week commencing 24 June 2024) to include changes to Apple and Microsoft Surface products. Most notably this will include the transition from ninth Generation iPad to tenth Generation as a core device with a reduction in the core product price from £295.41 to £281.31 for both Education and Non-Education customers.

Further information, including how to access a Supplier Catalogue can be found here: Supplementary information – Procurement – web based and proprietary devices framework: buyer’s guide – (

 Technology Peripherals and Infrastructure (SP-21-012)

The ICT Products team have taken up the first 12 months extension for the Technology Peripheral and Infrastructure framework. The framework expiry date following this extension is 15 May 2025. This framework is structured into two lots. Lot 1 (IT Hardware Catalogue Lot) provides an easy route to market for end users for transactional and commonly available products through a single supplier catalogue capable of offering the complete range of products and services. Lot 1 has been awarded to Computacenter (UK) Ltd. Lot 2 (IT Infrastructure Projects Lot) provides users with the opportunity to run further competitions for high value or more complex project related requirements. Lot 2 has been awarded to Insight Direct (UK) Ltd, Computacenter (UK) Ltd, Softcat Ltd and XMA Limited.

A short customer survey will be published before the end of June to gather insight into the service performance and any improvements for the framework. It would be very much appreciated if customers could take the time to complete it when launched.

Mobile Client Devices (SP-19-020)

The ICT Products team are commencing the strategy development for the Mobile Client Devices framework and will shortly be asking for volunteers to form a UIG.

Managed Print Solutions (SP-21-046)

Please note that one of the framework suppliers on the Managed Print Solutions framework has changed its name from Capital Document Solutions Ltd to Agilico (Scotland) Ltd. Capital Document Solutions supply an extensive range of managed print services to public bodies. Supplier communications were sent to all framework customers at the time.

There will be no impact in the management structure or level of service provided as a result of this change. The name change does not represent a transfer of rights and obligations to a separate legal entity. They have retained the same company registration number, registered office address and VAT registration number.

Framework public bodies are reminded to select all Framework suppliers, including Agilico (Scotland) Ltd, when inviting suppliers to join a mini-competition via their e-tendering system.

Further information including the list of framework suppliers is available here: Procurement – managed print solutions framework: guidance – (

National DPS for the Provision of Requirements Reserved Supported Businesses

The dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the provision of requirements reserved for supported businesses was activated on 7 September 2023 for a two year period. The aim of the Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses DPS is to provide Scottish Public Sector and Third Sector Bodies (Framework Public Bodies) with a clear path for the purchase of goods and services from Supported Businesses and in doing so, support the integration of disabled and disadvantaged citizens into the mainstream workforce. Supported businesses are organisations whose main aim is to integrate disabled or disadvantaged people socially and professionally.

The DPS is available to all Scottish public bodies including third sector bodies. There are now as at June 2024, 22 supported businesses listed on the DPS.

Civil Engineering Framework (Scotland)

Following a successful period of collaboration with construction industry bodies and the public sector, Scottish Government has established its very first Civil Engineering Framework (25 March 2024 to 24 March 2028).

The framework is for the provision of civil engineering projects for contracts ranging from £5 million to £100 million and covers a full range of civil engineering works and associated services, from general to structural. The majority of projects will be for roads and bridges and the terms and conditions for both the Framework and Call-off Contracts will be NEC4 with additional clauses already agreed via SG Steering Group with Industry and the Public Sector.

The Civil Engineering Framework is multi-lotted, with a total of eight successful suppliers over three lots:

  • Lot 1: general civil engineering for projects over £5m up to £25m
  • Lot 2: structural civil engineering for projects over £5m up to £25m
  • Lot 3: all civil engineering for projects over £25m up to £100m

Civil Engineering DPS (Scotland) – in development  

The Civil Engineering DPS will be for any civils projects up to £5m and will complement the Civils Framework. The Centres of Expertise (CoEs) and the Civils UIG have noted/endorsed, respectively, the Procurement Strategy.


Scotland Innovates has so far received 135 submissions through the service in diverse areas such as low-cost hydrogen production, detection of atrial fibrillation (major cause of stroke), circular economy – lighting, prevention of infant new born deafness to lung cancer – AI and circular economy lighting.

Scotland Innovates receive submissions from businesses for innovative goods and services which may be beneficial to the entire Public Sector. Of those submissions so far received 84 have been for health, with 51 across the rest of the Public Sector. To date, 28 have had successful routes to markets or landing zones identified. ‘Successful’ can be defined as a trial, pilot, research and development, purchase, or signposted for possible addition to new or existing Procurement Framework/DPS.

From all submissions received 81% were market ready and 91% were from SMEs. The service continues to receive strong support from business.

For more information, please contact:, Procurement Innovation Lead, Scotland Innovates.

Service Enhancement Plan

We are making good progress with the development of our Service Enhancement Plan. Thank you to all who have engaged in the consultation, via our survey, focus groups and other forums, the feedback provided has been very helpful.

Our ambition is to ensure that we deliver maximum efficiency and value for money for all who access our framework agreements, whilst continuing to focus on the delivery of sustainable social value.

Feedback highlights ease of use and access to streamlined accessible information as priorities for our customers and we are exploring opportunities to improve our customer interface, how we engage with you and our documentation.

We are keen to continue the conversation with all of our customers and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you either individually or as part of a wider forum to hear about what you would like to see in the updated delivery model and to understand how we can better support you.

If you would like to discuss, please contact Bridget Lambert, Head of Collaborative Procurement at

For further information on public procurement in Scotland please visit

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