
Written 2 posts

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the latest survey sweep

12th August 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to stop face-to-face interviews for the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) along with the other household surveys. When fieldwork restarted in November 2021, remaining restrictions meant we had to conduct the survey differently. But we didn’t know if this would affect the quality of the data collected, who would…

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Council Tax Comparisons between Scotland and England – Coherence Blog

11th July 2024

This blog represents part of our themed month to support coherence in statistics. Often, we hear statisticians refer to coherence in the context of the ability to compare statistics across different parts of the UK, or other geographies. Jon Hunter in Scottish Government’s Local Government Analytical Unit describes his recent work to improve contextual information…

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