Building Standards

Welcome to the Building Standards Blog

August 2, 2019 by No Comments | Category Building Standards

As Head of Building Standards at the Scottish Government, I’m keenly aware of the need for us to share information about the work of the Building Standards Division.  I’m delighted to publish the first post to let you know what to expect to see here in future.  Our blog is a place where anyone with an interest can learn more about our work.  This includes enhancing building regulations, developing changes to legislation, improving guidance and procedures and ensuring the building standards system in Scotland is fit for the future.  I recommend checking the blog for updates on a regular basis as we aim to upload posts every month. 

We’ve got a lot to talk about!

An ambitious programme of work to reshape the building standards system has recently started.  Projects are underway that will address improving compliance and safety of our buildings, ensuring the building standards services in all local authority areas are resilient and competent and also how digital technology can be embedded into new ways of working.  There is more to follow and the next post will go into the work of the Building Standards Futures programme in more detail. 

We continue to work closely with our colleagues in local government, academia and across the construction industry to develop policy and guidance.  These relationships are essential and I look forward to a number of guest posts appearing on the blog that outline our joint working on shared outcomes.  We’ll include photos and links to information to provide more information on our work as we go along.  Occasionally, we may provide more detailed articles covering technical aspects of our work but generally I want to ensure everyone enjoys reading the blog for general interest, to learn more about our built environment and for technical updates on proposed changes to standards. 

We accept comments on the blog but these will be moderated and approved before they are published.  That said, your feedback is always welcome and do let us know if you would like to see a particular topic covered on the blog. 

Stephen Garvin

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