Written 4 posts
Update for Lead Partners: Eumis issue resolved
9th July 2018
The issue with uploading ESF results on EUMIS has now been resolved. For any Lead Partners who have tried to upload results and couldn’t, can you please upload your participants results.
Second round of Aspiring Communities Fund open for applications
9th April 2018
The second round of Aspiring Communities Fund for projects in the Highlands and Islands area only is now open for applications. Funding information and all documents can be found here https://beta.gov.scot/policies/regeneration/social-inclusion-and-poverty-reduction/ The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 1 June 2018. If you have any queries please contact the ACF mailbox aspiringcommunities@gov.scot and a…
European Structural Funds December Newsletter
12th December 2017
Welcome to our latest European Structural & Investment Funds newsletter. You’ll find a general update from the Managing Authority including news on Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, a publicity requirements checklist, and our Lead Partner update comes from Glasgow City Council on the 8th City work. If you are not on our mailing list please…
European Structural Funds Annual Event 2017
6th October 2017
We are pleased to announce that the 2017 European Structural Funds Annual Event will be taking place on 29 November 2017 in the centre of Edinburgh. Venue to be confirmed. The public event is open to all interested parties so come along and see what we’ve been up to. Mr Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary…