European Structural and Investment Funds

European Structural Funds Annual Event 2017

October 6, 2017 by No Comments | Category Events

We are pleased to announce that the 2017 European Structural Funds Annual Event will be taking place on 29 November 2017 in the centre of Edinburgh. Venue to be confirmed.

The public event is open to all interested parties so come along and see what we’ve been up to.

Mr Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work is opening the event, followed by some presentations about some of the exciting projects benefitting from European Structural funding. This will include the Apprenticeship programme being run by Skills Development Scotland and the Circular Economy work being carried out by Zero Waste Scotland.

After lunch (which we will provide) there will be a debate on the impact European Structural Funds has had and where the funding has been most successful. We will also be looking for your thoughts on what the priorities are should there be any replacement funding.

There will be an opportunity for networking and an opportunity for questions and answers throughout the day.

The event has capacity for 150 participants. If you are not able to book because all spaces have been taken please let us know as a reserve list will be in place. If you book and realise you can no longer attend please inform us to free spaces for others wishing to attend.

If you have any questions on the event please contact us at


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