Funeral Industry News

Scottish Government recruiting for funeral director interviewees (£ compensation provided)

June 19, 2024 by No Comments | Category Uncategorized

The Scottish Government’s Burial and Cremation team is working alongside Storm ID (a digital design agency) to design and develop a new website to support the implementation of funeral sector regulation, including the proposed inspection and licensing regimes. Central to this work is establishing the needs of and requirements of its future users – these users include funeral directors working within Scotland.

People are at the heart of this, and we want to talk to people with experience of working within a funeral director business.

We want to gather insights to ensure that the new digital service is designed with the needs of its users in mind.

We are now organising interviews for the coming weeks and are recruiting people to speak with. The interviews will be held on a Teams call and would be a maximum of an hour. Participants in the research sessions will be asked a series of questions about their experience in their role and the ways they complete typical admin tasks, particularly when using a computer-based system or website to do so.

If you are interested in participating, please email with your name, role and any dates you are not available over the next 3 weeks.

Please be aware that a financial incentive of £75 is available to those who can participate in the interview session as a thank you for your time.

