Health and Social Care
The Future of Residential Care for Older People in Scotland
April 4, 2014 by Mike Liddle No Comments | Category Older people, Report, Strategic Commissioning
For the last year, we’ve been working with COSLA, Scottish Care and a wide cross-section of representatives from the care sector, NHS, housing and older people’s organisations to draw up recommendations for the future of residential care in Scotland.
The Task Force, under the expert co-chairmanship of Douglas Hutchens and Cllr Peter Johnston, has produced 34 recommendations to ensure that residential care services are fit for purpose for the future.
The recommendations are wide-ranging, making suggestions around increasing the provision of step-up/step-down care, reviewing the fee structure for care home placements, changes to the commissioning of care and introducing the living wage for the care sector, amongst others.
We will over the course of this year begin to work with our partners on next steps, and of course we’ll post regular updates on our progress here on the Integration and Reshaping Care blog.
Find out more about the recommendations in The Future of Residential Care for Older People in Scotland report
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