
Written 3 posts

Update to Health, Social Care and Sport Committee on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill

6th December 2023

The National Care Service (NCS) (Scotland) Bill was first introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 20 June 2022. Bills are proposed laws that are assessed by the Scottish Parliament. The NCS Bill is currently at Stage 1 and the general principles of the National Care Service are being examined by the Health, Social Care and…

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Voices of community health and social care: Kate’s story

26th July 2023

Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service.    Kate was diagnosed with…

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Voices of community health and social care: Richard and Martin’s story

21st July 2023

Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service.  Richard volunteers as a one-to-one…

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