Zoe Rohde - Communications and Content Manager
Written 5 posts
Being the grit in the oyster
11th March 2022
Doreen Grove, Head of Open Government for Scottish Government discusses issues of trust, transparency and ethics in relation to the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care.
Winning the Digital Health and Care Team Award
25th February 2022
It has been another full on year for the Digital Health and Care Directorate responding to Covid-19 while also continuing to meet the ongoing urgent health and care needs of the country. So it was a wonderful surprise that our efforts did not go unnoticed at this year’s Holyrood Digital Health and Care Awards 2022 ceremony, held in…
Leading the development of the data strategy with positivity and ambition
14th January 2022
Colin Birchenall, Chair of the Working Group and Chief Technology Officer of the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government shares his views and ambitions for the development of the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care.
Our vision for the health and care data strategy
20th December 2021
Blog by Ryan Anderson (Policy Lead for Data Intelligence) This month Colin Birchenall, as the Chair of the Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group, presented an update on the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care to the Health and Social Care Strategic Portfolio Board on the 8th December 2021. For those who…
Reflections on Data at DigiFest 2021
7th December 2021
Imme Jones is Policy Lead for Data Strategy and Data-Driven Innovation in the Digital Health and Care Directorate. Last week I attended Digital Health and Care Festival 2021 (#Digifest21). The event was entirely virtual following the success of last year and taking into account the circumstances of the pandemic. It was a packed couple of…