Health and Social Care
Caring for our Carers
22nd July 2015 by Linda White
“At its heart, health and social care integration is about ensuring that those who use services get the right care and support whatever their needs, at any point in their care journey.” Carers Scotland believes that carers and people who use services must be at the heart of all decisions – both strategic and on an...
NHSScotland Event 2015: The Integration Hub
22nd July 2015 by Linda White
Our exhibition stand at the “Leading Integration for Quality” NHSScotland Event 2015 provided delegates with the opportunity to find out more about health and social care integration. Designed to replicate a homely setting, the hub provided a comfortable space for delegates to join the conversation about integration and to partake in the range of activities on offer at...
“On the Couch” at the NHSScotland Event 2015
22nd July 2015 by Linda White
We were extremely lucky to have a series of inspiring guests join us “On the Couch” at our integration hub during the course of the two days; each guest told their own personal story and gave their heartfelt account of their experiences of health and social care integration. Andrew, aged 39, has Alcohol-Related Brain Damage (ARBD)....
It’s all about Integration: Keynote Plenary Speeches Overview
22nd July 2015 by Linda White
“Over the two days we will be discussing the most important reform in recent times: health and social care integration” (Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport) The plenary speeches at the NHSScotland Event 2015 highlighted the progress we are making towards integrating health and social care across the country. Cabinet Secretary for...
Health and Social Care Information and Resources Updates
21st July 2015 by Linda White
The Scottish Government website and Care Information Scotland website have been updated with the following information: Delayed Discharge section now includes reference to the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and Indicators Independent Living section now includes information on: Leaving Hospital Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care Intermediate Care Discharge Flowchart Road to Discharge Infographic Care Information...
Chief Officers Spotlight: David Lynch
21st July 2015 by Linda White
Integration in the dictionary is often described as a noun. It has been heartening to see that here in Dundee there is a doing dimension to the word; Integration as a verb, that implies tangible actions, progress and change. A good example of this was our work earlier this year around consulting on our Draft...
Workforce Stuff Matters
21st July 2015 by Linda White
If you attended the recent 2015 NHSScotland Event in Glasgow you’ll have picked up on one of the themes – change happens. The aim of our Parallel Session at the NHSScotland Event, “Workforce Stuff Matters”, was to help delegates to identify the workforce issues that really matter to people who use and deliver health and...
‘On the Couch’ with Tommy Whitelaw
2nd July 2015 by Linda White
My name is Tommy Whitelaw, and for five years I was a full-time carer for my mum Joan, up until she sadly passed away in September 2012. At the time my Mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia, I looked at her and thought to myself “it’ll be okay, we’ll get through this.” What I soon...
Leading Integration for Quality
1st July 2015 by Linda White
Health and Social Care Integration was in the spotlight at this year’s NHSScotland Event in Glasgow. The theme of the event was ‘Leading Integration for Quality’ and it celebrated the new relationship between health and social care that is being embedded across Scotland. The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport, Shona Robison opened the...
The Keys to Life: Scotland’s Learning Disabilities Strategy
1st July 2015 by Linda White
On the 18 June 2015, the Scottish Parliament hosted “Fairer Scotland – Celebrating the talent of people with learning disabilities in Scotland”. The event, highlighted performances from the creative arts across Scotland, including “The Fridays”, a music group from Hazelwood School in Glasgow; Indepen-dance, and also artists from “Project Ability”. At the event, Jamie Hepburn, Minister...