New Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report Published
18th March 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland Science (MSS) has prepared a scoping report of the research requirements for Atlantic salmon, sea trout and European eel in the context of offshore renewables (Malcolm et al, 2013). This report is intended to inform the development of a National Research and Monitoring Strategy for Diadromous Fish (NRMSD) to investigate the potential for interactions...
MMO Meeting on Core Fishing Grounds, London 24th February
14th March 2014 by Paul Stainer
Marine Scotland staff from Planning & Policy and Science divisions have attended a scoping meeting on the opportunities and challenges to using a ‘core fishing grounds’ approach in marine spatial planning organised by the Marine Management Organisation on the 24th of February. A range of fishing industry and governmental representatives across the UK have...
£4.8 million boost to marine energy sector
27th February 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Wave and tidal projects to benefit. Scotland’s marine energy sector is to benefit from almost £5 million as the distribution of funding from two initiatives is to be announced by Energy Minister Fergus Ewing during the RenewableUK Wave and Tidal Conference and Exhibition in Belfast today (Wednesday). Speaking ahead of the event, Mr Ewing said...
FLOWW Best Practice Guidance for Offshore Renewables Developments
19th February 2014 by Paul Stainer
The Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW) was set up in 2002 to foster good relations between the fishing and offshore renewable energy sectors and to encourage co-existence between both industries. FLOWW’s objectives are to enable and facilitate discussion, discuss on matters arising from the interaction of the fishing and offshore...
Sea Trout Swimming Depth Contract
19th February 2014 by Paul Stainer
© Swimming depth of fish is an important element in determining the potential for interaction of fish with various aspects of marine renewables developments, for example the risk of collision with tidal turbines. However, although sea trout support important fisheries and may occur in many marine renewables development areas, there is limited information available...
Coastal Futures 2014
19th February 2014 by Paul Stainer
Mike Robertson attended the annual Coastal Futures meeting in London on the 22nd and 23rd January 2014 at SOAS, University of London. MSS was also represented by Clare Greathead and Francis Neat who additionally gave a talk on the ecology of Rockall. This conference sets out to bring together different sectors from within the UK...
Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable devices Conference, Stornoway – April 2014
30th January 2014 by Paul Stainer
“Following the Call for Abstracts on 13th January, the Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables devices (EIMR) conference, a Marine Scotland Partnership Event within Homecoming Scotland 2014, will take place in Stornoway in the last week of April. The main conference is on the Wednesday and Thursday and will include mix of papers on interactions with...
Integrated coastal-zone risk management – ICES Cooperative Research Report
16th January 2014 by Andronikos Kafas
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea science plan has emphasised the importance of coastal zone management and marine planning. In recognition of this, a Theme Session was held at the Annual Science Conference in Nantes in 2010. Papers from that Session have been combined into Cooperative Research Report number 320, edited by...
News from MSI: Seal Usage Maps Update
16th January 2014 by Andronikos Kafas
A technical problem was found with the data in the seal usage maps in August 2013 and since then the maps have been unavailable through MSi. These maps have now been updated and the version that is available has had this error corrected. If you have previously downloaded the seal maps, please now update your...
Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables: call for abstracts
13th January 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Following the success of the inaugural international EIMR conference in 2012 (Orkney, Scotland), the University of the Highlands and Islands and partners are delighted to announce the second environmental interactions of marine renewables (EIMR2014) conference to be held in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis between 28 April and to 2 May 2014. This meeting will serve...