Children's Rights Team

Written 4 posts

Meet the Scottish Government Children’s Rights Unit

13th June 2024

Hello   Nice to meet you.  Thanks for clicking the ‘read’ button.   Our team  We would like to introduce you to the work of the Empowered Team in the Children’s Rights Unit. There are currently 4 members, Paul, Shelly, Caroline, and Eve but there are others like Steph and Ann-Marie who have recently left that…

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“Seen, Heard, Included”: Putting the voices of disabled children and young people at the heart of the development of a National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy

24th November 2023

‘Transitions from school can be scary; change is a big thing to navigate, and knowing what it will entail is hard’  (Young Person contributing to the development of the National Transitions Strategy) One policy team in Scottish Government that has demonstrated a strong commitment to listening to young people’s voice is the Supporting Disabled Children…

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Involving young people in assessing funding applications

23rd November 2023

The Children’s Rights Unit have recently commissioned 8 new projects through their Innovation Fund and young people have been involved from the start! The fund was established to provide financial support for testing and implementing creative approaches to embedding children’s rights in public bodies. This blog focuses on how children and young people were involved…

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Happy World Children’s Day

20th November 2023

To mark World Children’s Day 2023 we invited young people from the Scottish Youth Parliament to ask Ms Don, the Minister for Children and Young People and Keeping the Promise, their questions about the work to embed children’s rights into Scots law. 

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