Climate change participation programme 2023-2024: review
24th February 2025 by Climate Change Public Engagement Team
To deliver a fair and just transition to net zero we need to understand, recognise and reflect the concerns of many people. To hear about these concerns our climate change participation programme engaged with over 2000 people in Scotland in 2023-24.
Participation A to Z: community engagement
29th August 2024 by Digital Engagement Team
Participation can feel overwhelming with the number of things to consider from the planning and delivery stages to the analysis and evaluation of the project. However, since 2005 the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) has been setting the bar high and supporting practitioners in conducting well thought out community engagement activities with the National Standards…
Participation A to Z: accessibility
12th April 2024 by Digital Engagement Team
We are beginning a new A-Z series of posts. Each letter of the alphabet will cover a different topic in participation and public engagement. We hope you enjoy this mini-series, and without further ado, we’re kicking things off today with A for Accessibility! What do we mean by accessibility? When we talk about accessibility we…
A national conversation on local democracy and community power
11th September 2023 by Local Governance Review
Guest blog on the Local Governance Review’s community engagement ‘Democracy matters’
Let’s Talk Scottish Education: Our National Discussion
1st November 2022 by Professor Carol Campbell and Professor Alma Harris
Hear from the independent facilitators of the National Discussion on Scottish education about what the National Discussion is and why they want learners, parents, carers and education professionals to participate in the Discussion.
Paths for All – dementia friendly health walks
9th June 2022 by Jen Swan
Paths for All, who are part funded by Scottish Government, involved people with dementia in the planning and design of their dementia friendly walking programme. We invited Carl Greenwood, Senior Development Officer at Paths for All to share the positive impact this has had. At Paths for All, we support a network of over 670…
Power and inclusion in participation
18th May 2022 by Ellie Snape
Participation experts Kelly McBride, David Reilly and Órlaith McAree share their experiences of putting inclusion in participation into practice and reflect on power dynamics and the value of lived experience in decision-making.
Young people’s participation with LGBT Youth Scotland
28th February 2022 by Ellie Snape
LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s national charity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) young people. They have also been doing participation work with young people for well over 10 years. I sat down with Sarah Anderson, the LGBT Youth Scotland Policy and Participation Officer for a chat about the work they do.
Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Scottish education
24th January 2022 by Jen Swan
Participatory budgeting can be a powerful way for children and young people to have their say on decisions that affect them.
CoProWeekScot 2021 – Talking co-production in Scottish Government
23rd November 2021 by Ellie Snape
This year’s CoProWeekScot is taking place this week (22-26 November) and is a chance for people across Scotland to come together and share their co-production stories and learn from each other. CoProWeekScot is organised by the Scottish Co-production Network, which is in turn run by Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC). SCDC receives funding from the…