Planning and Architecture
Drawing Places
October 29, 2015 by planningarchitecture 3 Comments | Category Architecture
Pens were at the ready on 14th October for this year’s Drawing Places skills symposium. This was organised in advance of the Architecture and Design Scotland’s Place Challenge (Arbroath) which is being held this week to identify the issues challenging the role of town centres as sustainable places.
The event was held at the Lighthouse, Glasgow, and attracted a mixture of approx. 20 local authority planners.
To help delegates warm up their confidence in drawing and visualising places, Susie Stirling (Architecture and Place) ran a ‘starter’ session
and worked with Rowena Statt (Anderson Bell Christie) and Ian Alexander (JM Architects) to create a town centre themed drawing workshop. Within a few hours, the walls were filled with plans and graphics – all hand drawn.
- Ian Alexander (JM Architects)
The style of the workshop is fast paced but it deliberately packs in a range of techniques starting with drawing simple lines, trees and people, up to layering 2D plans and then converting them into 3D ‘corner shop’ blocks. The ‘power of the pen’ was also used to change and improve a street – without using any words. The visual results were inspired.
After all, a picture can say a thousand words.
For more information on the Place challenge 2015: follow the last 2 days activity on Twitter #placechallenge2015 and the daily newsletters
Tags: ag planning architecture, architecture, drawing classes, Placemaking, planning, Scot gov planning, scotitsh government, scottish government architecture, sg planning
Is this course still running please, and if so can you send me details of where, wehn and how much it costs?
Is this course still running please, and if so can you send me details of how to apply, dates, cost etc?
Nice to see this course is still going strong. I was on this course 2 years ago and had a fantastic couple of days and learnt so much which was beneficial.
Good to see Susie still heading it up. Well worth the time to go, listen and learn to valuable information and meet other people from all over Local Authorities as well as the Guest lecturers.