Planning and Architecture

Compulsory Purchase Order – Delivering a Successful Compulsory Purchase Project

May 14, 2019 by No Comments | Category Uncategorized

Date: Various dates through March and April 2019
Time: 09:30 – 16:15
Location: Glasgow, Edinburgh and Perth

In March and April this year we hosted three, free to attend, one day events in association with the Compulsory Purchase Association Scotland (CPAS), RICS Scotland & SOLAR.

These events where aimed at local authority staff and members of CPAS, RICS Scotland, SOLAR and ACES.

The events were broken down in to two sessions, Project Managing the Compulsory Purchase Process and Managing the Financials.
The agenda from the events along with the presentations and workshop notes are available below:

• Agenda

• Welcome – Neil Langhorn, Scottish Government

CPO Training – Neil Langhorn – Opening Remarks

Morning Session – Project Managing the Compulsory Purchase Process

Introduction to Compulsory Purchase – Project Management & Risk Assessment – Odell Milne/Jackie McGuire, Brodies LLP & CPAS

Building a Strong Case – Karen Hamilton, Brodies LLP & CPAS

Consulting and Communicating – Rob McIntosh, Aberdeenshire Council & CPAS

• Panel Q&A with Odell, Jackie, Karen & Rob

Afternoon Session – Managing the Financials

Introduction to Assessing Compensation Claims – Who is entitled to what & when are they entitled to it? – Dougie Bowers, Valuation Office Agency & CPAS

Early Estimation of Compensation Claims to Support the CPO – Archie Rintoul, CPAS.

Issues in CPO Compensation – a landowner’s perspective – Keith Petrie, RICS & CPAS.

Panel Q&A with Dougie, Archie & Keith.

Workshops included:

Morning Session – Project Managing the Compulsory Purchase Process

• Workshop A – Compiling Your Statement of Reasons – Karen Hamilton, Brodies LLP & CPAS.
• Workshop B – Dealing with Objections and a Public Local Inquiry – Rob McIntosh, Aberdeenshire Council & CPAS.
• Workshop C – Communicating and Engaging with those Affected – Karen Gribben, Network Rail.

Afternoon Session – Managing the Financials

Workshop D – Compensation issues when all of a property is being acquired (including assessing market value, Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development) – Dougie Bowers, VOA & CPAS.

Workshop E – Compensation issues when only part of a property is being acquired (including severance, injurious affection and material detriment) Keith Petrie, RICS & CPAS.

• Workshop F – Resolving compensation disputes (including what to expect when appearing before the Lands Tribunal for Scotland) – Archie Rintoul, CPAS & Karen Hamilton, Brodies LLP & CPAS.
