Planning and Architecture
NatureScot are inviting views on the development of a biodiversity metric for Scotland’s planning system
April 4, 2024 by planningarchitecture No Comments | Category Uncategorized
NatureScot are inviting views on the development of a biodiversity metric for Scotland’s planning system.
In September 2023, the Scottish Government published independent research undertaken by SRUC into ‘Approaches to Measuring Biodiversity in Scotland’. The findings and recommendations of which set out pragmatic next steps to ensure a consistent and cross-government approach to measuring biodiversity at site level. With regards to the planning sector specifically, NatureScot has commenced work to develop an adapted biodiversity metric suitable for use in supporting delivery of National Planning Framework 4 policy 3b.
This new tool will help developers and planning authorities to assess how much biodiversity will be enhanced once a development has been built. Intended to be applicable to the most significant forms of development, it will support delivery of National Planning Framework 4.
The metric will be based on one that is used in England, but refined to reflect Scotland’s needs. The consultation paper just released outlines a number of issues that NatureScot want to hear your views on, and any others you feel merit attention.
The consultation paper will be of concern to anyone interested in the development of a biodiversity metric supporting planning. The consultation paper can be viewed on the NatureScot website and closes on Friday 10th May 2024.