Written 102 posts
Designing Places Student Competition
9th November 2016
At the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning (SAQP) ceremony, 8 November, the winning students of this year’s Designing Places competition received their certificates. This year’s competition took place on Saturday 12 March 2016, at the Lighthouse, in Glasgow. The day was led by Susie Stirling (Scottish Government), supported by Ian Alexander (JM Architects), Rowena…
Self and Custom Build event 2016
13th October 2016
The first Self and Custom Build event hosted by More Homes and Planning & Architecture Divisions was held on Thursday 15th September. The event, chaired by Malcolm Fraser, brought together guest speakers, developers, planners, land interests and the finance sector, to share ideas and experience on how we can face the challenges, and find…
Planning Review Working Group Workshops
12th September 2016
Today sees the first day of the Planning Review Working Group Workshops. The Workshops are being held over two days bringing together groups covering different sectors, groups and interests. Following the 2 day workshops we will publish a summary of the outcomes from each of the themed groups. We have also this morning published a…
Publication of the first Programme for Government
7th September 2016
Yesterday marked the publication of the first Programme for Government (PfG) of the new parliament. This sets out the legislative programme and how we will deliver our wider ambitions including driving inclusive economic growth and empowering communities. The PfG emphasises the critical role of the planning system in supporting continued growth and investment, and creating…
eBuildingStandards service launches
1st September 2016
New service to save time and money. Today we have our official Ministerial launch of our new eBuildingStandards system that streamlines applications through one web portal. We are now one week on from the official system launch, and already it is proving very successful. Minister for Local Government and Housing, Kevin Stewart, said: “The new…
Stakeholder feedback –
29th August 2016
We have undergone changes to the way our information is displayed on our new webpages. We would really like to hear what you think about our content and structure on the new site and get your ideas on any improvements we could make. Your feedback is important to us and will help us to improve and…
Launch of Design Charrettes 2016/17 and Activating Ideas Fund
11th August 2016
last week the Scottish Government launched the 2016/2017 Design Charrettes programme. This was accompanied by the launch of a new Activating Ideas fund. These two funds, amounting to £300,000 in total are to support the delivery of places that enable a high quality of life, and allow communities to flourish. Since 2011, the Scottish Government charrette…
Self and Custom Build event 2016
3rd August 2016
We invite you to attend a free event aimed at all with an interest in promoting and supporting the self and custom build sector in Scotland. The afternoon event will bring together guest speakers, developers, planners, land interests and the finance sector, to share ideas and experience on how we can face the challenges, and…
Graduate Placement
28th July 2016
I started my six month post with Planning and Architecture Division (PAD) at the end of February having graduated with an MSc in City Planning and Regeneration at the University of Glasgow, which followed directly on from a BSc in Environmental Management at Glasgow Caledonian University. In the first week I spent some time talking…
Scottish Ministers response to the report of the independent planning review
11th July 2016
Scottish Ministers today published their response to the report of the independent planning review panel. The response sets out a mixture of immediate actions and longer-term scoping to be undertaken by the Scottish Government, in collaboration with key stakeholders. The response also outlines a programme of collaborative work which aims to turn the panel’s aspirations…