Public Procurement and Property

Sustainable Procurement Tools Survey – what’s new

May 10, 2024 by No Comments | Category Procurement news, Scottish Procurement, Sustainable Procurement, Sustainable Procurement Tools

The current Sustainable Procurement Tools website was launched in June 2020. Alongside the 164 public bodies that are registered users of the Sustainable Procurement Tools, we are delighted that the tools are also proving useful to public and private organisations in other parts of the UK and further afield. We now have over 2800 users across 385 organisations.

Last summer we published a survey to gather views on how the website could be improved. In response to user feedback that focused on guidance, training and functionality we have:

  • delivered three rounds of sustainable procurement face to face and online training in February and March (including a focus on use of the tools) on: introduction to Sustainable Public Procurement, using Procurement to address the Climate Emergency and Fair and Inclusive Procurement
  • published ‘How to’ videos on using the tools – including an introduction explaining the aims and benefits, when to use, and the outputs of using the tools (available from the User Guides and Videos page)
  • enabled users to delete their own sustainability tests (previously users had to contact SPPD to arrange this)
  • created a local template area where organisations can create template sustainability tests exclusively for its registered users reflecting organisational priorities – registered users can access this area by logging in and navigating to Your Templates
  • provided an Understanding your results page in prioritisation tool to help users understand the output of their assessment (users can access this via their prioritisation tool summary)
  • added additional best practice, completed sustainability tests to the Library covering uniforms and textiles, furniture and Legal Services, helping buyers undertaking the sustainability test for similar commodities, or for those new to the tools – all available from the Library
  • published refreshed guidance on Security and Crime, and Water detailing efficient consumption and production – we are working with policy specialists to refresh Biodiversity, Biosecurity, and Hazardous Materials guidance (the suite of guidance is available from the Sustainable Procurement Guidance page)

Thank you to all colleagues who have provided feedback over the years, helping us ensure the website and tools remain fit for purpose.

For further information, or to provide feedback, please contact us at

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