Public Procurement and Property
Digital Services – Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
18th September 2017 by Sarah McLeod
The OJEU notice for the new Digital Services DPS has now been issued. Find out how this innovative system can help you.
Find out more about some of our online procurement tools
11th September 2017 by Sarah McLeod
We have three online tools to help the public sector buy goods and services. the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) advertising portal, the PCS-Tender national eTendering system and, the Scottish Procurement Information Hub, an online spend analysis tool. What is Public Contracts Scotland? PCS is a website where Scottish public bodies must publish advertisements for regulated procurements....
Open Contracting Strategy published today
7th September 2017 by Sarah McLeod
Today we published our Open Contracting Strategy.
Coming soon to Public Contracts Scotland: electronic ESPD
3rd August 2017 by Sarah McLeod
The European Single Procurement Document (Scotland) will soon be available on Public Contracts Scotland.