Lee Bunce

Written 5 posts

Statistics Policy, Engagement and Communications Team Lead

Updating our statistical geographies – Data Zones, Intermediate Zones and ITLs

10th July 2024

Geography plays an important role in the production of official statistics. Everything happens somewhere, and presenting our statistics geographically is crucial to ensuring that statistics can properly support citizens and policy makers to make informed decisions about communities. It is important then that we ensure the geographical boundaries we use in our statistics remain fit…

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Our plans for small area statistics – consulting on Data Zones and Intermediate Zones

26th January 2024

The publication of statistics at a local level is important so that citizens and policy makers can make better informed decisions about their local communities. To support the production of small area statistics it is vital that we have solid statistical foundations in place.   In Scotland, the statistical building blocks we use are Data Zones…

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Working as a government statistician in the COVID-19 pandemic – Anouska Pandya

27th October 2023

by Anouska Pandya, Assistant Statistician in Health and Social Care Analysis The Scottish Government has launched an external recruitment campaign for B1 and B2 Assistant Statisticians. Applications close on 13 November 2023. An information session to find out more about the application and assessment process will be held on Monday 6 November 2023 from 12:30…

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Reproducible Analytical Pipelines: How we saved 3 analysts 6 weeks of copying and pasting

24th July 2023

This blog post is by Alice Byers, Reproducible Analytical Pipeline Developer in Scottish Government. Like most analysts, I’ve spent a lot of time copying and pasting from spreadsheets, analysing data in laborious and manual ways with lots of potential for human error. This is why RAPs – Reproducible Analytical Pipelines – grabbed my attention when…

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Developing the next generation of data scientists

13th July 2023

This blog is by Simon Rogers, Senior Technical Consultant for Business Intelligence, part of Data and Security at NHS National Services Scotland. Here Simon speaks about his experience of being a mentor on the Data Science Accelerator.   Throughout my career, I’ve been lucky to have had some excellent mentors. So when I saw the call…

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