Written 4 posts
Published today: Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025
24th March 2023
Today the Scottish Government’s Equality Analysis team were pleased to publish Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025. In this blog I’d like to tell you about the strategy and how it was developed. The strategy presents a refreshed vision, and accompanying principles, for equality evidence improvement and an ambitious three-year programme of work to strengthen Scotland’s…
Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025 – Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Events
31st January 2023
Following a busy autumn, the Scottish Government’s Equality Analysis team would like to update on progress towards the development of Scotland’s new Equality Evidence Strategy. Equality Analysts have been engaging with a range of stakeholders over the past few months to ensure that the strategy reflects a range of perspectives. The publication of the strategy…
Using intersectionality in policymaking and analysis
16th March 2022
Last week the Equality Analysis Team published our evidence synthesis on the concept of intersectionality, along with an accompanying summary. This is an output from our Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP). Intersectionality is a rich concept that has been used to articulate and analyse the lived reality of those who experience multiple inequalities, particularly within…
An Introduction to the Equality Data Improvement Programme
30th September 2021
I’m Roanna Simpson, an analyst in the Equality Analysis Team within the Scottish Government. Our team leads on a new Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) and this is the first in a series of blogs aimed at providing an update on the progress of this work. The new EDIP is a multi-phase programme of work…