
  • Back to the Future: Building a vision for public sector data

    11th July 2024 by

    Guest blog post by Albert King, Chief Data Officer, NHS National Services Scotland. Earlier this year, The Scottish Government put out a call inviting people to come together to co-create a long-term vision for public sector data in Scotland. This is clearly something people care deeply about as we had a great response, from which,...

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  • Leveraging new technologies to shape innovative engineering solutions

    28th June 2024 by

    Guest blog by Georgia Boura, Graduate Civil Engineer, Transport Scotland. As the national transport agency for Scotland, it’s essential for Transport Scotland to understand travel behaviour across the country. The traditional way to do this is through travel surveys, however collecting data in this way is time and cost intensive and therefore these cannot be...

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  • Moving open data forward – the Benefits, Challenges and Opportunities of Open Data for Producers, Users and Leaders

    8th May 2024 by

    This blog has been written by Martin Macfie, Head of Open Data in the Digital Directorate’s Data Division, in which he discusses recent work to better understand the benefits, challenges and opportunities of Open Data. What we’ve been doing We need to be more strategic in the way we approach the publishing, messaging and culture...

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  • Data maturity information sessions for public sector organisations

    1st May 2024 by

    Blog by Sally Kerr, Data Transformation Lead in Digital Directorate’s Technical Data Policy team. Better use of data is fundamental to driving efficiency and innovation in our public services and our economy, to deliver better outcomes for the people of Scotland. For public sector organisations to understand how to use their data effectively, it is...

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  • Are you a transformational leader passionate about data in Scotland?

    24th April 2024 by

      Blog by Tom Wilkinson, Chief Data Officer, Scottish Government Public sector data is a vital component in making sure that services for the people of Scotland are delivered efficiently and effectively. In an increasingly complex world, data plays an ever-expanding role in shaping and supporting economic, societal and environmental transformations. To support the public...

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  • Uncovering trends in text through the Data Science Accelerator

    13th February 2024 by

    As a public sector data analyst, it’s frustrating when you think you’ve got a good idea to solve a business problem, but don’t have enough time or technical support to explore it fully. That was certainly the case for me when it came to trying to unlock a particular issue for my organisation.

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  • Data Science Accelerator – 6 new projects welcomed

    9th October 2023 by

    The Data Science Accelerator is an annual programme that offers public sector analysts the opportunity to develop their data science skills. In September, we welcomed six exciting new projects onto the sixth year of the accelerator in Scotland.

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  • Foundations first – realising the potential of open data

    27th September 2023 by

    A blog by Louise Meikleham, Senior Data Policy Officer in Digital Directorate’s Data Division, explores data’s role in Scotland’s Open Government Action Plan. Data is all around us. From fitness to finance, holidays to health, it’s everywhere. As individuals we use it all the time to make decisions. But we’re not just consumers, we produce...

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  • Data Maturity programme update

    11th July 2023 by

    Providing a Data Transformation Framework (DTF) that will meet all the data improvement needs that an organisation might want to address is a challenging proposition. To help with the early stages of developing the DTF, we wanted an approach that would provide focus, identifying shared needs and creating support that was useful straight away.

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  • Data maturity information sessions for public sector organisations

    9th June 2023 by

    Many public sector organisations know they want to use their data more effectively, but are unsure where to start. It can feel too difficult to tackle but if it’s not addressed, over time, it can become a large issue that impacts on wider business outcomes. The Data Maturity programme we run with the Scottish public sector can help organisations understand what they want to achieve with data, where they are now, and how to set achievable outcomes.

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