25 returned results for 'data maturity'

  • Introduction to Data Standards and Open Data in Scottish Government

    Hi, my name is Shona Nicol and I work in the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate and head up a team that covers technical data policy, where I lead on data standards. Along with Martin Macfie, who leads the team on Open Data, we wanted to start a series of blogs on the use of data…

    13th July 2021

  • Recommendations from COP26

    We’ve had further discussions with round table attendees and relevant digital and climate change experts about the top ideas that came out of each round table theme. After these discussions concluded, each of the top ideas was thoroughly investigated and then presented as recommendations to Kate Forbes, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy and Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport. These recommendations that are detailed below, were all accepted by both Cabinet Secretaries.

    8th July 2022

  • Moveable Transactions Project: good governance and active leadership

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. Introduction Registers of Scotland (RoS) are undertaking a project to build, launch and maintain two new public Registers, introduced by the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023. The timeline for the commencement of the Registers is dependent on the implementation of secondary legislation. Read our…

    18th September 2024

  • Moveable Transactions Project: creating a multi-disciplinary team

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. Introduction Registers of Scotland (RoS) are undertaking a project to build, launch and maintain two new public Registers, introduced by the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023. The timeline for the commencement of the Registers is dependent on the implementation of secondary legislation. Read our…

    11th September 2024

  • Moveable Transactions Project: active learning and applying lessons in real time

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. Introduction Registers of Scotland (RoS) are undertaking a project to build, launch and maintain two new public Registers, introduced by the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023. The timeline for the commencement of the Registers is dependent on the implementation of secondary legislation. The Digital…

    4th September 2024

  • Technology Assurance Framework – what we learned from Major Digital Project Reviews in 2023-24

    Guest blog by Berit Braun, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office.  The Digital Assurance Office (DAO), who administer the Technology Assurance Framework (TAF), share the lessons learned from their assurance reviews to support others to deliver more successful projects and programmes This blog shares what we learned from the 30 major digital project reviews carried out…

    16th July 2024

  • Technology Assurance Framework – what we learned from Digital Scotland Service Standard Assessments in 2023-24

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office The Digital Assurance Office, who administer the Technology Assurance Framework (TAF), share the lessons learned from their assurance reviews to support others to deliver more successful projects and programmes.  This blog shares what we learned from the 28 Digital Scotland Service Standard (DSSS) assessments…

    16th July 2024

  • Census 2022 – meeting the Digital Standard

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the third in a series of case studies. You can read the earlier case…

    14th February 2024

  • Census 2022 – information governance and standards

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the second in a series of case studies. You can read the first case…

    7th February 2024

  • SG payments project – Keep on collaborating

    Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. The SG payments project has taken a user-centred approach since it began in 2018. This has involved working closely with users through the Discovery phase, our Alpha build and as we prepare for our next phase. We recently posted about the project’s progress, and…

    30th September 2020