European Structural and Investment Funds
Evaluation of the impact of ERDF support on low carbon objectives
24th May 2023 by Patrick Douglas
In December 2022, we notified stakeholders that EKOS had been appointed to undertake an evaluation of the impact of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support on low carbon objectives during the 2014-20 programmes.
Evaluation of the impact of ESF/ERDF support for SMEs and long-term unemployment
19th December 2022 by Patrick Douglas
In June, we notified stakeholders that we had appointed economic consultancy firm EKOS to undertake an evaluation of the impact that European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support has had on SMEs and the long-term unemployed in Scotland.
Reminder: key deadlines of 2014-20 programme closure
31st January 2022 by Patrick Douglas
As announced at the 2021 Annual Publicity Event and referred to in the December 2021 e-bulletin, the closure dates of the 2014-2020 ESIF Programmes are confirmed.
Supplementary Offer of Grant Letters for Lead Partners
22nd May 2020 by Patrick Douglas
Next week we plan to issue the first batch of supplementary offer of grant letters to Lead Partners.
Closing Phase 2 call for applications
12th August 2019 by Patrick Douglas
We launched the call for the second phase of applications for the 2014-2020 programmes in February 2018. Since then we have held 26 MAAP meetings, approving over 100 extensions to operations and more than 20 new operations.