Funeral Industry News

Consultation on ‘Beyond Level 0’ Restrictions – Deadline 6th July 2021

July 1, 2021 by No Comments | Category Consultation, COVID-19

The First Minister announced on Tuesday the 22 June that all of Scotland will be moving to Level 0 on 19 July, if the data continues to support that. Following this the intention is then to move beyond Level 0 on 9 August.

The Scottish Government will advise on the continued use of certain baseline protective measures.

Some of these baseline measures will be advisory, and some will be mandatory. We need to work with you in developing what these measures should be.

The Strategic Framework Update provided a list of some of the baseline measures we expect to retain:

  • Good hand hygiene and surface cleaning.
  • Continued promotion of good ventilation.
  • Requirement for face coverings in certain settings. At least for a period, we are likely to require the wearing of face coverings in certain settings – for example, shops and public transport.
  • Continued compliance with Test and Protect, including self-isolation when necessary.
  • Ongoing need for managing infections, including active surveillance.
  • While we will work with business to support a phased return to office working from level 0 onwards, we will continue to encourage a greater degree of homeworking than pre Covid. Where this is possible and appropriate, it will not only assist with controlling transmission of the virus, but also promote wellbeing more generally.

There may also be a short set of ongoing mandatory requirements for certain sectors/settings for a period of time, such as:

  • Requirement for face coverings in certain settings (e.g. public transport, retail, large events).
  • Continued compliance with Test and Protect, including self-isolation when necessary.
  • Ongoing need to monitor and contain new variants, including active surveillance.
  • Border controls.

We would appreciate if you could provide feedback on the protective measures you would like to see in place as we move beyond level zero.  We would also be grateful for the reasons/justification for these measures, AND where and when you expect these measures to be in place.

To respond please email with your responses, where they will be collated. We would appreciate your input into this consultation by the 6 July 2021.

