Health and Social Care

Redesigning Care Information Scotland

August 21, 2013 by No Comments | Category Uncategorized

Care Information Scotland provides a website and telephone service to help older people access appropriate and accurate care information. It is run by NHS 24 on behalf of the Scottish Government.

SNOOK, an innovative service design company were appointed by NHS 24 to review the service earlier this year for their approach which includes innovation, blue printing, customer journey mapping, co-design with service users, and prototyping ideas.

Many different communities across Scotland were visited to ask people what their concept of ‘care’ is, and what they currently do to get the support and information they require about care services. We engaged with people who receive care themselves, adults who care for disabled children, adults who care for their partners, adults who are concerned about what to do about ageing parents, young carers who care for siblings or parents, and people who have never thought about the issue of caring or being cared for at all.

The recommendations contained in SNOOK’s report will now be implemented to deliver a service for all care groups and carers, not just older people, that is much more user-friendly and interactive, including through people sharing their own care stories and journeys.

In addition, all users of the service, including those who never go online, will be “logged” (if they wish) so they do not have to repeat their stories to get the information that will in future be more tailored for them.

This will be achieved working in partnerships with other information providers and sources, within and outwith the Scottish Government.

There will be continued engagement as the current service is developed leading towards a fully rebranded service next year.


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