
  • Marine Scotland on show in Peterhead

    28th June 2013 by

    Marine Scotland have launched their first exhibition at the Arbuthnot Museum in Peterhead. The exhibition is packed with information about where Marine Scotland has come from and looks at the history of fisheries protection, marine and fisheries science and the role that Government has played in marine and fisheries over the years. It also looks at Marine Scotland’s priorities...

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  • New Senior Fishery Officer for Kirkwall

    29th May 2013 by

    Andrew Livingstone has become Marine Scotland Compliance’s new Senior Fishery Officer based at the Fishery Office in Kirkwall. Andrew was previously based in Peterhead and was successful at a recent promotion board which has seen him make the move to Kirkwall. Andrew takes over from Billy Harris who will remain in Orkney but in a...

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  • Marine Scotland Compliance Staff practice whale rescue in Ullapool

    29th May 2013 by

    {caption]The MPV Minna berthed in Ullapool on Tuesday 21st May so that crew members could take part in a Whale and Dolphin Rescue Course. The course is offered by BDMLR, the British Divers Marine Life Rescue, which is a successful and popular charitable organisation. BDMLR was set up in the late 80’s during various seal...

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  • The Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference 2013

    8th April 2013 by

    Submitted by Jenny Wright The University of Aberdeen and Marine Scotland Science recently organised the 9th UK Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference (YCSEC), with two of our oceanographers, Rory O’Hara Murray and Bee Berx, on the local organising committee. The conference was held at the University’s Fraser-Noble Building on March 25th and 26th 2013....

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  • M.R.V. Temora skipper Raymond Cargill retires

    17th December 2012 by

    For the last ten years, sampling for the Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Programme at Stonehaven has been undertaken by scientists on board the catamaran Temora. Raymond Cargill, skipper of the Temora, will be retiring at Christmas. Raymond’s local knowledge, dedication and skill will be sorely missed by MSS, as will his readiness...

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  • New phytoplankton and microbe report launched

    23rd October 2012 by

    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has launched its first phytoplankton and microbial plankton status report. This report presents data from sixty one sites and from seven geographic regions within the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean areas. It also includes forty standard areas from the continuous plankton recorder monitoring programme operated by...

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  • Aberdeen Foam Event

    28th September 2012 by

    You may have noticed in the national press that a very unusual sea foam (or spume) event occurred this week in Aberdeen. This foam is a natural product and it is not considered a harmful event. In case you missed it, here is a news link to this extraordinary sight – Marine Scotland scientists...

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  • New reports concerning Scottish coastal marine ecosystems

    3rd September 2012 by

    This summer Marine Scotland Science has published two interesting reports concerning Scottish marine ecosystems. The first is a review of previously published information concerning the Firth of Clyde ecosystem. The report has found that “while the Clyde has clearly been impacted by human activities, it supports significant quantities of fish and is demonstrating some signs...

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  • Non-native Species and Biofouling

    11th July 2012 by

    What are Non-native Species? When species of plants and animals occur unexpectedly in areas outside their normal range they are called “non-native species”. Examples of how non-native species can be introduced to new areas are by accidentally travelling on an aeroplane or ship (e.g the black rat), or when fish or shellfish imported for the...

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  • Harmful Algae in Scottish Waters

    18th June 2012 by

    Under certain environmental conditions, marine phytoplankton can grow very quickly and form what are called “Harmful Algal Blooms” or HABs. In some instances these natural blooms can impact the marine ecosystem by causing mortalities of animals that live on the sea bed. This may occur either directly as a result of toxins produced by the...

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