170 returned results for 'Scotia'

  • Surveying haddock at Rockall with the Scotia

    Duration: 2-13 September 2017 Gear  GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear D CTD – Seabird 19+ Day grabs  Objectives To undertake the bottom trawl survey of haddock on Rockall Bank to a depth of 350 m.  To deploy a CTD at selected trawl stations to collect temperature and salinity profiles.  To collect sediment samples at…

    1st September 2017

  • Taking the temperature with the MRV Scotia

    Next MRV Scotia Survey  Duration: 10 – 30 August 2017 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with Ground Gear A & B Objectives To complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV.  To obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station using…

    11th August 2017

  • Latest update from the MRV Scotia survey 0717S – the 7th of the year

    Duration: 6- 26 June 2017 Gear onboard:   2 x Scotia BT175 80mm prawn trawls 2 x Day grabs and 1 x sieving table 2 x towed UWTV sledges 2 x 600m umbilical towing cables and associated TV equipment (including back up) Objectives To obtain estimates of the abundance and distribution of Nephrops burrow complexes at…

    15th June 2017

  • MRV Scotia Survey 0117S Programme

    Duration: 4-19 January 2017 Fishing gear: BT 137 with Ground gear E; Sediment Sampling: Day grab and sieves; Litter sampling: Catamaran neuston trawl; Plankton net; Water sampling: Aquatracka fluorometer, Seabird 19 and sled. Objectives: To undertake water, sediment and biological sampling for the Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme (CSEMP). To collect water samples for nutrient…

    4th January 2017

  • Festive antics on the MRV Scotia

    Scientists from Marine Scotland Science left Aberdeen on-board the research vessel Scotia on a Saturday morning in December to continue our long-standing monitoring work in the northern North Sea and in the Faeroe-Shetland-Channel. The international group from the Marine Lab consisted of two oceanographers, two engineers, one biologist, one modeller, one technician, and one chemist…

    30th December 2016

  • MRV Scotia Survey 1816S Programme

    Duration: 10-20 December 2016 Gear: Sea-Bird CTD/Carousel, sledge with OPC and CTD, ADCP mooring equipment, water filtering equipment Objectives: Test the CTD and sledge/OPC in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead. Perform routine hydrographic sampling at stations along the long term monitoring JONSIS section in the northern North Sea. Perform routine hydrographic sampling at stations along…

    14th December 2016

  • MRV Scotia Survey 1716S programme

    Duration: 17 November – 7 December 2016 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey. To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework (DCF). Procedures:…

    25th November 2016

  • MRV Scotia Survey 1616S Programme

    Duration: 5-14 November 2016 Fishing Gear: PT160 pelagic trawl; BT237 new Jackson high standing demersal trawl fully rigged with 350mm rockhopper ground gear and 200mm floats; 1 Set Thyboron ‘flapper’ trawl doors; and 1 set GOV polyvalent trawl doors. Objectives: To establish a fishing protocol to fish the PT160 trawl close to the surface and…

    22nd November 2016

  • MRV Scotia Survey 1516S Programme

    Duration: 14 October – 3 November 2016 Fishing gear: Day grabs; TV drop frame with lasers (including rectangular footprint); armoured cable; Swathe multibeam echosounder system; RoxAnn system; Scout System; and smolt trawl. Objectives: To undertake bathymetric and ground-truthing survey work in connection with offshore oil and gas pipelines associated with the Brent facilities. To undertake…

    18th November 2016

  • MRV Scotia: Survey 1416S Programme

    Duration: 27 September – 9 October 2016 Gear Sea-Bird CTDs, ADCPs and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, freezer, mooring equipment, recovery trawl. Objectives Test the CTD in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead. Perform hydrographic sampling along the JONSIS long term monitoring section in the northern North Sea. Perform hydrographic sampling along the long term…

    29th September 2016