Listening for Marine Mammals
3rd June 2016 by Marine Directorate Communications
The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study (ECOMMAS) array continued collecting data in 2016. On the 28th of April Alba na Mara sailed from Fraserburgh to deploy moorings at 10 station locations along the Scottish East Coast. The trip lasted 10 days and all the moorings were deployed successfully. The marine mammal listening array extends...
What happens when you meet your marine neighbour
31st May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Last week, marine researchers from Aberdeen took part in a “Meet Your Marine Neighbour” networking event at the Town and County Hall in Aberdeen City Centre. Researchers from many fields took part, from aquaculture to oceanography, pharmaceuticals to law, and included people from academia, industry, Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government. The event was sponsored by the...
New guidance supports tidal sector and helps protect wildlife
27th May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Renewable energy development in the sea needs to be sustainable and undertaken in the light of the best current understanding of environmental impacts. The potential for marine wildlife to collide with underwater turbines is an important element of risk assessments for tidal stream turbine projects, and new Guidance has just been published by Scottish Natural Heritage...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – May 2016
26th May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on Provisional Scottish Sea Fisheries 2015 statistics. Read the full update
Scottish Natural Heritage – May 2016 e-newsletter
25th May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The latest edition of the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) e-newsletter is now available online. This edition has articles on Pentland Action, the 10th anniversary for Glasgow Green Network and exciting opportunities for students and graduates who will be based across various National Nature Reserves managed by SNH. Further Information Read the newsletter online
SEWeb – A vote for LIFE
23rd May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Since 2005, the Best LIFE Environment projects have been recognised at an annual award ceremony and for the second year running, you have the chance to choose your favourite project! A total of 25 projects have been shortlisted for the LIFE Citizens’ Award – 24 Best LIFE Environment projects, plus one LIFE Information & Communication...
Alba na Mara: Survey 0916A Programme
20th May 2016 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 19 May – 07 June 2016 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Project: 20 days, SU02NS Objectives: To carry out a survey of scallop stocks on the East Coast; To age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught; To collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species; To identify and quantify...
European Maritime Day: Part Two – the SIMCelt project
19th May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The 18th and 19th May celebrate European Maritime Day (EMD) – the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and agree joint action on work connected to the marine environment. EMD 2016 has been organised in cooperation with the City of Turku and the Finnish government and focuses on the theme of “Investing in competitive...
European Maritime Day: Part One – the NorthSEE project
18th May 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The 18th and 19th May celebrate European Maritime Day (EMD) – the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and agree joint action on work connected to the marine environment. EMD 2016 has been organised in cooperation with the City of Turku and the Finnish government and focuses on the theme of “Investing in competitive...
MV Clupea changes course from Research to Rescue
17th May 2016 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland’s former research vessel Clupea has recently found a new vocation turning from research cruises to rescue missions. Now known as Sea-Watch 2, the MV Clupea underwent some major refit works in Hamburg, including the addition of a medical ward, to allow it to operate all year round and under bad weather conditions when,...