A changing world – a personal reflection
31st March 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
There is one constant; our environment is continuously changing. The big challenge for science is to be able to distinguish between natural fluctuations and those forced by anthropogenic activities. This requires that we gather as much evidence as we can and across Marine Scotland Science we are gathering data and maintaining our long-term time series with...
Marine Scotland in joint Agency activity at Buckie harbours and ports
30th March 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Officers from Marine Scotland Compliance and Police Scotland’s Border Policing Command and Aberdeenshire and Moray Division have been involved in a week of engagement activity at harbours and ports within then Buchan area. The activity also saw support from the Border Force, HM Revenue and Customs, National Crime Agency and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Detective...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 26 March 2015
30th March 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on Wave and Tidal Energy in the UK: Capitalising on Capability. Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 0415A Programme
27th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 29 March – 17 April 2015 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives: To carry out a survey of scallop stocks on the West Coast; To assess shell damage on all scallops caught; To collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species; To identify and quantify numbers of starfish species in all dredge...
Marine & Fisheries News from other Organisations
27th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new paper featuring contributions from Plymouth Marine Laboratory Director of Science Professor Manuel Barange outlines why fish deserve more attention in food policies in our quest to meet the nutritional needs of a growing global population. Fish already make a major contribution to the human food supply, providing more than 4.5 billion consumers with...
Go4SET Regional Finals – An Assessor’s Experience
26th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
By John Dunn On the 11th of February I acted as an assessor in the regional finals of the Go4SET competition at Elphinstone Hall, King’s College, Aberdeen University. Teams from all over Grampian had been working away for ten weeks on a series of projects, and our role as assessors was to choose a suitable...
MRV Scotia: Survey 0415A – Cruise Programme
25th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 7 – 20 April 2015 Gear: Jackson BT 195 monkfish bottom trawl; 400mm x 45.7m Rockhopper ground gear with tickler chain; 2 x sets of Morgere Ovalfoil OF12 1700 Kg trawl doors; and Net sensors; standard Scanmar sensors, bottom contact sensor and depth / temperature logger (DST). Objective: To undertake a nationally co-ordinated demersal...
Award winning engagement on Marine Protected Areas
23rd March 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland’s Marine Environment Branch recently won the engagement award for the Scottish Public Service Awards for their work on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Over the last 4 years, 30 Scottish Marine Protected Areas or MPAs have been designated – 17 MPAs in Scottish territorial waters and 13 MPAs in offshore waters. This has involved...
Partial Solar Eclipse in Aberdeen
20th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Some wonderful shots of this morning’s eclipse from our in-house Communications team members, Keith Mutch and Mhairi Sinclair. Taken from the Balnagask Golf Club near the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen. Come on over to our Flickr site to few some more. © Crown copyright.
ICES recommends increased consideration of ecosystem functioning in its review of the MSFD
20th March 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has reviewed three descriptors of Good Environmental Status (GES) of the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The review suggests revisions to the criteria of the descriptors, highlighting the need for the MSFD to consider how humans impact the functioning of the ecosystem. It...