Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 25 February 2015
26th February 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on what plans for new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) need to consider social impacts alongside economic and environmental impacts. Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
National Marine Plan interactive (NMPi) reaches 500 layers
17th February 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
The number of data layers in our National Marine Plan interactive (NMPi) continues to grow and is now in excess of 500, representing a huge data resource for use by everyone. New data layers continue to be added and amongst the recent layers are: Scotland’s Marine Atlas (2011) Overall Assessment (as 4 layers) A new section called ‘National Marine...
Understanding the State of the Environment Conference
17th February 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
‘Understanding the State of the Environment’ Conference at John McIntyre Conference Centre Edinburgh University – Friday 13 March 2015 Understanding the state of the environment around us is important to inform and influence a range of decisions and activities carried out by all sectors of our society. Reporting on the state of the environment identifies...
Experts to look at ways of accelerating the approval of offshore energy projects
3rd February 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland Science is currently involved in a new project to accelerate and streamline the environmental requirements associated with consents for offshore wind, wave and tidal projects. The RiCORE project, led by the Robert Gordon University (Scotland) and including teams from Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France and Scotland, has been awarded €1.4 million from the European Commission’s...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 22 January 2015
23rd January 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article about “Pollution and overfishing are public’s biggest marine concerns.” Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 0115A update II
21st January 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
In the past week the west coast sea loch Nephrops TV survey being carried out in Loch Linnhe has been severely hampered by poor weather, resulting in reduced working days on a couple of occasions. The half landing in Oban was brought forward a day to Monday 12th January, optimising the potential for working on...
ICES opens ASC Call for papers
21st January 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Today, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) opens the Call for papers for its Annual Science Conference (ASC) 2015. ICES Annual Science Conference(ASC), 21–25 September, Copenhagen, Denmark, is an exciting week-long forum that brings the international marine science community together to share innovative science with policymakers and stakeholders. Scientists, policy- and...
Erin’s aiming for success in Birmingham
21st January 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
In September last year, we told you about Erin Warner from South Uist, who enjoyed a six week placement with Marine Scotland Science (MMS), through the Nuffield Science Bursary Programme. We’re delighted to be able to share that Erin has been selected to represent Scotland at the Big Bang competition which will be held in Birmingham in...
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 0115A update
14th January 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
After sailing on 5 January from Fraserburgh, Alba na Mara spent a couple days steaming before anchoring in Bloody Bay on the north side of Mull in the South Minch. The TV survey then began working up the edges of Loch Linnhe using the Drop Frame to establish the extent of the muddy sediment suitable for...
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 0115A Programme
14th January 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 5 – 21 January 2015 Gear: Large TV drop frame TV sledge 1 x 600m umbilical towing cable 1 x armoured cable Video cameras and associated equipment (plus backup) Four lasers and bracket for the drop frame 1 x BT201 prawn trawl (plus minimal spares) Day grab and table Prawn sorting table Estimated Days...