Monthly Roundup – October 2013
4th November 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Marine Scotland monthly roundup for October is now available online: To sign up to get these updates straight to your mailbox, visit the Scottish Government subscription webpage:
Cod stock recovering
18th October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Speaking immediately after the EU Fisheries Council in Luxembourg Scotland’s Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead said: “The good news out of today’s Council is that there is general consensus among Ministers, and indeed acknowledged by the Commissioner herself, that cod stocks are recovering. “We now await further scientific advice which is due out very soon, which...
Cod TAC and days at sea are priorities
18th October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Increased cod TAC would help prevent discards, while days at sea reduction would cripple fishing industry. A further reduction in the number of days fishermen can go to sea would be devastating for Scotland’s already fragile fishing industry. In the run-up to the crunch Fisheries Council in Brussels in December, Scotland’s Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead...
New Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published
18th October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Two new reports have been published in the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Series: Volume 4 Number 3: Epidemiology and Control of an Outbreak of Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in Wrasse Around Shetland Commencing 2012 is a report on an outbreak of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in multiple stocked species of wrasse on six sea-water sites around...
New PhD students to tackle global biological issues
9th October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland Science collaborates with Aberdeen University over a new PhD Environmental change, sustainable natural resource management and food security are just some of the themes new PhD students at the University of Aberdeen will be hoping to address. The University’s Environment and Food Security Theme has set-up several studentship schemes including joint PhD awards...
Shaping the future for the fishing industry
7th October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead outlined his vision for the future success of the fishing industry in his speech to the Scottish Fisherman’s Federation (SFF) on 2 October. Speaking at the SFF dinner annual dinner in Edinburgh, Mr Lochhead highlighted five key issues on the horizon which will shape the future direction of the industry....
Aquaculture website launched
2nd October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Information on Scotland’s world renowned aquaculture will be easier to access with the launch of a new website and database. The website provides a central location for an integrated, geographic and up-to-date view of aquaculture activity in Scotland. The website also provides information about: industry location types of aquaculture leases, licenses and reports on controlled activities...
Joint Warrior Exercise: 7 – 17 October
2nd October 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
The next in the 6 monthly series of NATO Joint Warrior exercises, co-ordinated by the Ministry of Defence will take place between 7 – 17 October. Information about the exercise and what it will involve are available on the Marine Scotland website.
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012 published
12th September 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Statistics published today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician show that the value of fish landed by Scottish vessels in 2012 decreased by nine per cent in real terms from 2011, which was the highest value of the century. The quantity of fish landed increased by two per cent. These figures published today update the Provisional Scottish...
New report: Modelling of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines
12th September 2013 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland have published a new report this week – “Modelling of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines including noise transmission through various foundation types“. This report presents modelling of the acoustic output of operational offshore wind turbines and its dependence on the type of foundation structure used. Three foundation types are examined: Jacket Monopile...