162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study continues

    The east coast of Scotland is home to several species of marine mammals and the animals are regularly monitored to make sure that the populations are healthy and also to improve our understanding of how and when they use different areas along the Scottish coast. The plans for marine developments along the east coast of…

    4th August 2016

  • MRV Scotia: Survey 1016S Programme

    Duration: 18 July – 3 August 2016 Gear: Sonardyne Ranger II USBL system Sonardyne directional / omni-directional transponders (x3) TV drop frame and wiring harness TV sledge and wiring harness SEA LED lights (x4) SeaLaser (x4) Kongsberg OE14-408 digital camera system Kongsberg OE14-366 digital still camera system Kongsberg OE14-366 TV camera system SUBC 1-CAM Alpha…

    18th July 2016

  • A new data recording system for fish sampling

    As 2016 gets off to a somewhat stormy start, scientists onboard the MRV Scotia are welcoming a new data recording system that will not only reduce the chance of error but will also speed up the process for recording important statistics. Fish sampling is a very important part of fisheries research, contributing to a number…

    14th January 2016

  • MRV Scotia: Survey 1715S Programme

    Duration: 18 November – 8 December 2015 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137 – Strengthened) and ground gear D. Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey; To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position; and To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework…

    24th November 2015

  • Message in a bottle

    While digging through the archives of footage we have in Marine Scotland, we came across this footage of drift bottles being thrown in to the sea, to try and help track the current. While we still sample in the Faroe Shetland channel, technology has moved on, as you’ll see from our Tracking the Ocean story from…

    26th October 2015

  • Undersea lost world – found!

    Tantalising evidence that there might be a unique and unknown ecosystem lying off the coast of Scotland has led to the discovery of a lost world beneath the sea. Following up on a research cruise in Scottish waters in 2012 when scientists spotted previously unknown creatures brought up from the seabed, a collaborative expedition set…

    5th October 2015

  • Mapping the seabed of the north of Scotland

    High resolution seabed bathymetry is now freely available for a section of the north coast of Scotland between the Kyle of Tongue and west of Thurso. MSS surveyed the area in 2014 using a multibeam echosounder. The bathymetric data is of particular interest to the wave energy industry and for the development of a floating…

    29th September 2015

  • Mapping the seabed of the north of Scotland

    High resolution seabed bathymetry is now freely available for a section of the north coast of Scotland between the Kyle of Tongue and west of Thurso. Marine Scotland Science surveyed the area in 2014 using a multibeam echosounder. The bathymetric data is of particular interest to the wave energy industry and for the development of…

    14th August 2015

  • MRV Alba na Mara: survey 1315A programme

    Duration: 1-10 September 2015 Equipment: 2 x BT 201 Prawn net – One rigged with separator panel and two 80mm codends – one rigged with a single live capture codend Grid with separator bar 80mm codend with SMP Trawl doors Sweeps, bridles, backstrops and pennants Spare netting and twine PSL5000 light unit x 2 2 x…

    6th August 2015

  • MRV Alba na Mara: survey 1215A programme

    Duration: 12 – 28 August 2015 Gear: 60 mm prawn trawl BT 201 2 x Day grabs and 1 x sieving table Towed TV sledge, 600m umbilical towing cable and cameras (plus backup) TV drop frame (large version) Lasers and bracket for drop frame Prawn sorting table  Objectives To obtain estimates of the distribution and…

    5th August 2015