162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • West’s Travel to the East

    Receiving emails from Jim Manning, a USA-based collaborator, is always exciting.  In general, these emails notify us of the wonderful travels of various satellite-tracked objects (e.g. ocean drifters, small unmanned sail ships).  Back in April 2015, we received such an email to tell us about a small, 5 foot long, unmanned sail boat, called Crimson…

    30th August 2016

  • In Deep at the UN – the verdict

    At the end of July, we featured a blog about Marine Scotland scientist, Dr Francis Neat, and his upcoming visit to the United Nations to discuss deep-sea fishing regulations and conservation in the high seas. The intrepid traveller has now returned and tells us how it was for him: “This week the UN General Assembly held…

    5th August 2016

  • MRV Scotia: Survey 1116S Programme

    Duration: 5-25 August 2016 Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear A & B Objectives: To complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV and continue an IBTS tow duration experiment. To obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station using…

    27th July 2016

  • MASTS Deep Sea Collaboration Project (Survey 0915S) – last update 27th July 2015

    Here’s the last update from the Deep Sea Survey 0915S: Day 9 We continue to work away. The baited lander is retrieved for the last time  and the pictures are downloaded successfully. Rather than risk further misfires with the maxicorer we switch gear to the less sophisticated, but more reliable Van Veen grab to get…

    27th July 2015

  • MASTS Deep Sea Collaboration Project (Survey 0915S) – update 24 July 2015

    The latest update of the MRV Scotia Survey 0915S… Day 4. After yesterday’s tantalising glimpses of what might have been the cold seep, Jim Drewery, leads the watch in which we begin to deploy the more conventional seabed sampling gear. The first samples suggest we are indeed in the right area. Graham Oliver who did…

    24th July 2015

  • MASTS Deep Sea Collaboration Project (Survey 0915S) – update 21 July 2015

    Our update of the Deep Sea survey continues….. Day 2 Steaming west, passed the Butt of Lewis, the Flannen Isles, St Kilda, off the continental slope and into the Rockall Trough. The winds are easing and the sea state is improving all the time. Between construction of the multicore and final preparation of the lander,a sperm whale…

    21st July 2015

  • MASTS Deep Sea Collaboration Project (Survey 0915S) – update 17 July 2015

    Scotia left Aberdeen harbour this morning after two days of hectic mobilisation. On Tuesday morning Scotia’s deck resembled some kind of sub-sea jumble sale, but the scientists and Scotia’s crew worked hard to gradually transform it into what now looks more like a marine science expo. The most spectacular is a seabed lander that Oceanlab…

    17th July 2015

  • Compliance colleagues welcome a delegation from South Korea

    Marine Scotland Compliance officers in Peterhead had a busy week last week. As well as their normal duties, they were involved with the launch of the new Peterhead Harbour Experience, then they welcomed a delegation of five South Korean fisheries colleagues. The visitors were keen to learn more about how fisheries enforcement is managed in Scotland and their…

    9th March 2015

  • Crossing the edge: from coastal seas to open ocean

    By Bee Berx The Faroe Shetland Channel (FSC) is a key connection between the Atlantic Ocean and the Nordic Seas. The flow of warm, saline Atlantic water polewards, and the underlying equatorward cold overflow are important branches of the Atlantic overturning circulation. Marine Scotland Science (MSS), in collaboration with the Faroese Marine Research Institute (FAMRI)…

    5th September 2014

  • EIMR International Conference 2014 – Stornoway, Scotland

    The EIMR (Environmental Impacts of Marine Renewables) conference was held April 30 – May 1 2014 on the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Two hundred scientists from the UK, Europe, and North America came together at the An Lanntair Arts Centre in Stornoway, for two days of oral and poster presentations, with…

    13th August 2014