
  • New consultation launched on fin fish and shellfish developments

    8th May 2017 by

        Last Friday, Marine Scotland launched a consultation to propose amendments to permitted development rights for fin fish and shellfish developments. Comments are being sought on whether to relax the current requirement for prior notification under existing rights and to consult on improvements to rights relevant to shellfish farmers. The proposed changes are the result of the review of current rights, undertaken…

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  • MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 2216A Programme

    8th December 2016 by

    Duration: 2-6 December 2016 Sampling Gear: BT 158 with 50 mm cod-end; 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; Day grab and table; and Catamaran and manta neuston net. Objectives: To undertake flatfish sampling in St Andrews Bay, inner Firth of Forth, outer Firth of Forth and the Forth estuary in support of the…

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