National Performance Framework
Reviewing Scotland’s National Outcomes
April 25, 2023 by Lesley Thomson No Comments | Category continuous improvement, review
Today (25 April 2023) marks the half way point in the external engagement phase of the National Outcomes Review. Our consultation and call for evidence are open until 5 June 2023.
What are the National Outcomes?
The National Outcomes collectively describe the kind of Scotland we want to create. They are enshrined in legislation via the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. They are a key part of Scotland’s National Performance Framework.
Why are we reviewing the National Outcomes?
We need to ensure the National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of country people want to live in. And the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 requires us to review the National Outcomes at least every five years.

National Performance Framework graphic
So, it’s time to review the current National Outcomes, which were published in June 2018.
How are we reviewing the National Outcomes?
We know there may be a bit of ‘consultation fatigue’ in communities right now. So, we’re analysing existing citizen engagement exercises, including the Citizen’s Assembly and Climate Assembly, rather than carrying out extensive new public engagement.
However, we are giving people the opportunity to submit views via our online consultation. We’re asking if the current National Outcomes fully describe the kind of Scotland people want to live in.
What else are we doing?
We’re also calling for evidence from stakeholders with an interest, not only in the National Outcomes, but how the wider National Performance Framework (NPF) works in practice. Through its NPF inquiry, the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee (FPAC) has already highlighted areas we’ll be thinking about. These include: accountability, budgeting for outcomes and how the NPF is integrated into policy making processes. But we’re keen to hear from as wide a range of people as possible about how the NPF can better achieve and measure impact.
What happens next?
The evidence gathered during this phase of the review will help ensure the National Outcomes continue to reflect the views of the people of Scotland. We’ve already started analysing the data and we’ll continue to do that throughout the summer.
We’ll present the review findings along with any proposed changes to the NPF to the First Minister and Scottish Cabinet later this year. We will then submit the revised NPF to the Scottish Parliament, where FPAC will lead a period of scrutiny.
The review process will likely conclude early in 2024 with the publication of a revised NPF.
How you can get involved
- Give us your views on the National Outcomes, or the NPF more generally by completing our consultation or call for evidence.
- Get your stakeholders and networks involved. The NPF website has a communications pack with sample text for tweets, newsletters, etc.
Keep in touch
- Subscribe to the monthly NPF newsletter for the latest review news.
- Subscribe to this blog or follow us on Twitter @ScotGovOutcomes.
- Contact the NPF Unit directly.
Tags: Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, consultation, Finance and Public Administration Committee, National Outcomes, review, Scottish Parliament
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