National Performance Framework

  • Scottish Funding Council launches report on Scotland’s research contribution to National Outcomes

    12th April 2022 by

    The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) report ‘Scotland’s Research Contribution to National and International Challenges’ highlights the significant contribution that Scottish research has made over the last decade to addressing the societal, economic and environmental challenges highlighted by the National Performance Framework (NPF) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

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  • Wellbeing: Wha’s like us?

    26th October 2021 by

    We review our National Outcomes regularly to make sure they reflect what matters most to people in Scotland. Just now, as we plan the next review, we’re looking at what’s happening elsewhere in the world. Helping us see what is uniquely ‘Scottish’. And to consider what we might learn from others.

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  • What impact has COVID-19 had on Scotland’s wellbeing?

    19th January 2021 by

    In December, along with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), we published a report about the impact the pandemic is having on Scotland. Scotland’s Wellbeing: The impact of COVID-19 brings together evidence on how the pandemic has affected Scotland’s progress towards our National Outcomes. It also tells us how individuals have experienced the pandemic….

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