Open Government Partnership
Action Plan on Open Government complete – launch coming soon!
December 5, 2018 by Niamh Webster No Comments | Category Uncategorized
Official submission of the Action Plan to the international Open Government Partnership today. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has been involved.
Today we are pleased to be publishing Scotland’s Second Action Plan on Open Government. We have submitted it to the international Open Government Partnership, as is required for all members. Our Action Plan contains commitments on improvements to openness, transparency, involving people, and accountability of public services. This has been produced in partnership by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Open Government Network. You can find out more about how this has been developed and who else was involved in the Action Plan document itself or read our other blog updates.
It will also be published on the Open Government Partnership website shortly.
Two documents make up the Action Plan: a summary document and a supporting document with all the detail.
Read the Action Plan and summary of commitments: Action Plan and summaries
Read the Action Plan full detailed commitments: Commitments in detail

Open Government Action Plan complete – front cover page photo
Official launch coming in January 2019
We will officially launch this Action Plan in January 2019. Today’s publication is a soft launch as a formal submission to the Open Government Partnership. This is a requirement of being a member of this international collaboration of governments around the world. The document today is presented in a format required for the Open Government Partnership worldwide, which makes sure all Action Plans include certain information and meet the same standards.
We will publish a more easily accessible version of this Action Plan for the official publication launch in January. We will explore publishing this in a variety of formats. We welcome advice on this – please leave a comment or email us at if you have ideas for how this could be done, such as Easy Read and Plain English versions.
Thanks and stay involved – this isn’t the end!
Thanks again to everyone who has been involved. Stay tuned for the official launch event and publication in January 2019.
Publishing this Action Plan is only the beginning… These commitments will be delivered over 2018-20 and we welcome involvement in helping deliver these together. We will be working closely with the Open Government Network to deliver the commitments so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Anyone with an interest can join the Open Government Network. Visit here to become a member. It’s free and you can be involved as much or as little as you like. We welcome involvement with interested individuals and civil society organisations to help us deliver this Action Plan. You can also get in touch with the Open Government Team in Scottish Government here.
We will provide a way to make it easy to track progress of the commitments which will be publicly available and updated regularly so you can keep up to date. Again, we welcome ideas on how to do this and will be delivering this together with the Open Government Network.
You can read or download the Action Plan below (shared on Slideshare). The first document is the Action Plan background and summary of the commitments. The second document contains the full details of each commitment.
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