Leah Lockhart
Written 9 posts
Digital Democratic Engagement Officer at the Democratic Society
Democratic renewal as creative expression- Edinburgh’s City Link Symposium 2015
22nd September 2015
The City Link network is a growing group of artists, academics and creatives of all shades who have an interest in creating democratic change in cities through artistic and cultural means.
Our experience so far- crowdsourcing for policy making
6th August 2015
Dialogue is on demand software created by Delib, a small social venture focussed on creating tools that make it easy for governments to involve citizens in decision making.
Social reporting training at Participation Week
9th June 2015
We are taking part in Participation Week by putting on some training and digital surgeries and yesterday we held our first session with the super talented Rosie McIntosh of Third Sector Lab on social reporting events.
Crowdsourcing ideas for Scottish public service open data
7th June 2015
We’ve opened up our first instance of crowdsourcing ideas and suggestions today and it’s all around open data.
Working with our Directors General
2nd June 2015
Since we came together as a team last winter, we’ve largely focussed our energy on reaching policy teams- the people as close to the ground as you’re likely to get in Scottish Government. But lately we’ve been meeting with our Directors General (DGs) to help them talk and think through their digital aspirations and what…
Walking the talk – our progress on digital engagement projects
18th May 2015
There is a serious push for better engagement generally from Scottish Government (this includes internal and external engagement) and the digital aspect is a very new area to so many people.
Our radio silence
12th May 2015
Publishing schedule, curation ahoy and better capturing of our day to day work.
Tailoring our approach – user centred for an internal audience
23rd March 2015
We aspire to help create a government where digital engagement is second nature to all colleagues and as a new team, we’re eager to affect change at an accelerated rate. We’ve had a number of discussions where colleagues have expressed fear anxiety and apprehension in relation to digital engagement.
What we do
2nd March 2015
The Digital Engagement Team at Scottish Government is giving hands on support and guidance to policy professionals to learn to use digital tools to be more transparent, more collaborative and more creative. We are encouraging greater citizen engagement, helping colleagues reach and engage more people through the web and social media. We are small but perfectly formed…