Tailoring our approach – user centred for an internal audience
23rd March 2015 by Leah Lockhart
We aspire to help create a government where digital engagement is second nature to all colleagues and as a new team, we’re eager to affect change at an accelerated rate. We’ve had a number of discussions where colleagues have expressed fear anxiety and apprehension in relation to digital engagement.
Democratic Sector Day
6th March 2015 by Christian Storstein
Yesterday I joined a whole lot of interesting and passionate people at Democracy Sector Day, organised by Oliver Escobar and colleagues from What Works Scotland.
What we do
2nd March 2015 by Leah Lockhart
The Digital Engagement Team at Scottish Government is giving hands on support and guidance to policy professionals to learn to use digital tools to be more transparent, more collaborative and more creative. We are encouraging greater citizen engagement, helping colleagues reach and engage more people through the web and social media. We are small but perfectly formed...