
Written 103 posts

Drawing Places

29th October 2015

Pens were at the ready on 14th October for this year’s Drawing Places skills symposium. This was organised in advance of the Architecture and Design Scotland’s Place Challenge (Arbroath) which is being held this week to identify the issues challenging the role of town centres as sustainable places. The event was held at the Lighthouse,…

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Independent Review of Planning – meet the Secretariat

28th October 2015

The independent panel appointed to undertake the review of Scottish planning met for the first time on 13 October 2015. Planning and Architecture Division are providing support to the panel throughout the process, and there was much for the Secretariat to prepare in advance of the panel meeting. The Secretariat comprises myself and Suzanne Stephen,…

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Welcome to our new Planning and Architecture blog

8th October 2015

Feedback from our stakeholders told us that we needed more informal methods to communicate with them. We have responded to that by committing to a package of service improvements targeted at increasing our digital presence and improving communication. The creation of this blog is part of that wider package and colleagues will use it to regularly…

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