Planning and Architecture

  • Compulsory Purchase Reform

    9th July 2024 by

    IntroductionCompulsory purchase in Scotland is widely regarded as being in need of reform. As part of our wider planning reforms, the Scottish Government has committed to improve and modernise the system in order to help support the delivery of development, infrastructure and regeneration projects that are in the public interest. In this blog, we explain...

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  • National Planning Framework and Local Development Plan Amendments

    28th February 2024 by

    With the move to National Planning Framework (NPF) and Local Development Plans (LDPs) having a review period of 10 years, the 2019 Act introduced the provision for them to be amended between full review cycles. This enables the planning system to respond where newly emerging matters arise. The consultation covers proposals for the regulations. The...

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  • Masterplan Consent Areas

    28th February 2024 by

    The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced MCAs, which will have expanded powers building upon Simplified Planning Zones. MCAs will be broader in scope, being able grant planning permission, plus roads construction, listed building and conservation area consent – where provided for in the particular MCA scheme. Planning authorities will be able to take a place...

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  • Investing in Planning – a consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system

    28th February 2024 by

    Investing in Planning – a consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system responds to current resourcing challenges. It builds on ideas generated in a stakeholder workshop held in November, and sets out a series of proposals which aim to improve capacity and build resilience particularly within planning authorities. Part 1 of the consultation considers the potential...

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  • Tom Arthur MSP: Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessments

    11th January 2022 by

    COP26 has reinforced on an international stage, how green spaces, with opportunities to connect with nature and to play in natural settings can bring benefits, not only to the planet but also building resilience in our children and in communities. Never have they been more important as we recover from the pandemic, tackle the climate...

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