Planning and Architecture

Masterplan Consent Areas

February 28, 2024 by No Comments | Category Consultation

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced MCAs, which will have expanded powers building upon Simplified Planning Zones. MCAs will be broader in scope, being able grant planning permission, plus roads construction, listed building and conservation area consent – where provided for in the particular MCA scheme. Planning authorities will be able to take a place leadership role, by proactively consenting the type and quality of development they wish to see in their areas.

Planning authorities will be able to set out what they are giving consent by preparing a MCA ‘Scheme’. Once the MCA is ‘made’ (adopted) development could be brought forward without the need for a full application providing it is in line with the scheme. MCAs can support placemaking, frontload scrutiny, offer certainty, remove risk and streamline consents – to facilitate investment in places.

The Masterplan consent area regulations: consultation covers the type of development which can be authorised, potential locations for MCAs and the procedures for making a scheme. It includes two sets of regulations: covering the main process for making MCA schemes and relating to EIA of MCA schemes. The separate consultation on ‘Investing in Planning’ also includes proposals for recouping costs of preparing MCA schemes. Views are invited by 22 May 2024.

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